Whovengers Assemble!

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I seriously think there is a connection between the Whovian fandom and the Avengers fandom.

During the year that never happened, Martha mentioned that she went to Budapest. The same Budapest that Clint and Natasha were at and remember differently. They could have been there at the same time but Clint and Natasha wouldn't have remembered it because, to them, it never happened.

Also, when the Doctor first meets River in the library, she starts to sync her journal with the Doctor (though he has no idea who she is). When she asks him where and when they've gone, she asks if they have gone to Asgard. ASGARD, as in the home of the two hot Norse gods Thor and Loki.

And to top it off, Christopher Eccleston, the actor who plays the 9th Doctor also plays Malekith in Thor: The Dark World.

Do you believe this? Do you have your own theories? Did I get something wrong? Did I forget something? COMMENT!!!!!! Let me know what you think!

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