"Stealing" Iron Man - One Shot

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Alright, I'm going to take a crack a writing a one shot. I'm going to write it as a reader insert. This is probably going to be crap since I haven't done anything like this before, so comment and tell me what you guys think.

ALL CREDIT GOES TO xXStar-LordXx . I got this idea from his book Weirder than Weird with the Guardians of the Galaxy. The chapter was Stealing. Go check it out!

Well, here goes nothing.........


You were walking around New York City window shopping. It was Saturday evening and you decided to hit the town. Wandering around the city seemed better than staying home alone doing absolutely nothing. You lived by ourself in a small apartment and just moved to New York. You wee originally from [home state], but you wanted to get as far away from there as possible.

You listened to the hum of the busy streets and looked at all the lights in awe. While being distracted by the scenery around you, you began to venture off into an unfamiliar part of the city. After a few minutes, you tried to turn back around to the place you were familiar but you couldn't. You were lost.

As you walked around, trying to find your way back, you felt a presence behind you. You nonchalantly glanced over your shoulder and noticed three burly men following you. You quickly turned around the corner in hopes to loose them, but your efforts were in vain. You walked straight into a dark alley that was a dead end.

You began to scan the alley for any other escape routes but came up empty handed. You turned around to the way you came in, your only escape route, and noticed the three men blocking your only hope of escape. Your pulse began to quicken as they closed in on you and cat-called you.

"Hey there, you pretty little thing," one said.

"You shouldn't wander these streets by yourself," another called out, still advancing.

"Come with us. We'll keep you safe and take REAL good care of you," the third man added, emphasizing his words that hinted at what their agenda really was.

You kept walking backward from them until your back hit a wall. Your eyes began to dart around something you could use as a weapon. You weren't going down without a fight. But, again, your efforts were in vain. They were about three yards away from you and you began to close your eyes and brace yourself for what was about to happen.

'I don't want to die,' you thought. You had taken a couple self defense classes, but where you used to live you didn't need it, so you decided not to waste your time. 'What a stupid mistake.'

A loud thud pulled you out of your thoughts. You opened your [e/c] eyes to see the famous Iron Man standing between you and your attackers with his pulsers and missiles trained on the three of them.

Your attackers' eyes were wide as saucers as they bolted from the scene as fast as they could. Iron Man, aka Tony Stark, turned around to face you. It was a well known fact that Tony Stark was Iron Man. He walked towards you, his helmet still shut so you couldn't see his face. He picks you up bridal style and flies you back to your apartment.

When you both reach your apartment, he sets you carefully back down.

"Are you okay....?" he asked hesitantly, waiting for your name. His voice sounded almost robotic because of the suit.

"[Y/N]. Yeah, I'm fine. Thank you for saving me, Mr. Stark," you say, giving him a small smile.

He opens up the helmet so you could see his face. To your surprise, it wasn't the famous genius, billionaire, playboy, philanthropist. The man in the suit before you had curly red hair, a mustache, a stubby beard, green eyes, a big smile.

"Actually, the names Peter Quill, but you can call me Star-Lord." Peter winks at you as he tells you his nick name. You smile and chuckle at his name.

"Well, thank you, Peter for saving my life. I don't know what I would have done if you didn't..." you begin to trail off, looking down a the ground and thinking about what would have happened if Peter didn't save you. Peter put a finger under your chin to bring your eyes to meet his with one hand and with the other he pushes a strand of your [h/l, h/t, h/c] out of your face.

"It's okay, you're safe now. That's all that matters," he says, smiling a reassuring smile at you that reached his eyes. You found yourself getting lost in those until a voice pulled you out of your transe.

{Quill, did you steal my suit?!} an angry voice called from with in the suit. 'That must be Tony Stark,' you thought to yourself.

Peter rolled his eyes and sighed in frustration. "Well, it depends on how you define the term 'stealing.'"


"Yeah, yeah, yeah. Or you'll kill me, I know." Peter sighed again and looks back at you and says, "I guess I better get back before Tony tears apart Stark Tower or something." He starts to laugh a little.

You chuckle with him. "Yeah, that probably wouldn't be a good thing." You walk up to him and kiss him on the cheek and say, "Thanks for everything, Star-Lord." Peter looks taken aback but a grin quickly spreads across his face. "See you around," you say as you disappear into your apartment.

His gaze follows you as you leave. "See ya, [Y/N]." He smiles.

{QUILL!!!} Tony shouts, obviously still mad about the suit.

"I'm coming, Tin Can. Just chill out. I see why you like these suits so much....."


"Ugh. Never Mind. I'll tell you later." Peter smirks to himself as he flies off with Hooked on a Feelin' by Blue Swede blaring from the suit. Little did he know you were watching from your window with a grin plastered on your face.

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