Letter 3

219 11 2

Dear dad,

Mum is gone. I think you must already know that since she is up there in heaven with you. I live with Aunt Eleanor and Uncle Louis.

I guess Eleanor is having a baby she said if it's a boy that I can name it and if its a girl then we will all decide on a name. If the baby is a boy I want to name him Zayn so that I will feel like you are here with me.

I asked if we could just live at our house but El and Lou said no. I don't know why. They should try to make me happy and all my memories are in that house.

The movers came into my room to take out all my furniture and when one was moving my bed they ripped the picture you drew of me right off the wall. I honestly don't know how long I was crying. Things are so different with you not being here and now that mum's gone as well I don't have any idea what I'm doing. 

I forgave mum for not being at my birthday party.

Love, Em xx

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