Letter 13

144 8 3

Dear Dad,

I came back after a month of being gone and Niall was beyond mad which I do understand. I would be scared too if my foster kids left without permission. Niall and Demi both yelled and screamed at me when I walked into the door late last night.

Niall yelled at me to come to my room and said that I have to stay here until he was ready to talk to me. No welcome back party I see -_- I can also tell that Niall wrote you a letter the day after I left. He is right we all do miss you and I hope I can see you soon. Life is boring without you here to make things fun.

Uncle Niall cand Aunt Demi came up to my room less than an hour ago and told me that they are getting me a counselor so that I can get better and move on with my life. That means I will have to stop writing you and I don't know if I could do that. I miss you more everyday and writing you is my only way of feeling like we talked. Well, I talked to you anyways.

I don't want to be forced to stop talking to you dad I love you so much and I don't know what to do without you to talk too. You were always my number one fan and number one listener and now my mind is all fuzzy with all the un spoken words that I can't seem to say.

Anyways. I love you daddy o's.

Love, Em

Dear Dad -- z.mWhere stories live. Discover now