Chapter 1

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Note: None of the characters belong to me, and neither does Frozen, Brave, Tangled, The Hunger Games, or any other movie or book this refers to. Only the plot belongs to me.


I snuggle up in the warm comfort of my mother's arms, watching as Dictator Gothel struts onto the screen, her cloaked form appearing dark and scary in the dim lighting.

"Welcome to the 100th annual Quarter Quell!" A boy walks up to her, bearing the Quell box, which tells the districts what we are to do this 25- year anniversery. Now that it's gotten to 100, it's gotta be special. I wonder who'll be picked this year. I focus on the boy, who seems pretty mature for his age. Red hair, sideburns growing in, looks like a real handsome jock.

My attention is torn away from the boy by Gothel's unmistakably smooth, syrupy voice. "-and, for this Quarter Quell, since it is the 100th anniversary, will be the most memorable yet!" Oh- oh. I listen on in silence as Gothel describes the horror that is sure to befall the tributes who are picked this year.

This is not going to end well.


Though we don't have a TV, we have to watch the Quarter Quell announcement, no matter what. Since my mother is at home, sick with fever, I take my younger sister with me to the square. A crowd has already gathered, and it appears Gothel is halfway through her "opening speech". I tune out, listening to the people chatter nervously among themselves as they predict what this Quarter Quell will be like. Ah. This is the perfect time.

With quick instructions to Sunny, my sister, to stay put, I slink over to a fat man chuckling, his belly jiggling as he howls in laughter. Fat bellies are rare around here. If you have one, that means you truly are rich.

I slide behind him, moving my hand closer to his purse. I reach, stretching with all my might.

My calloused fingers touch silk. I did it! I grope around in the purse, feeling for money, food, furs, anything. Touching something that feels like a dollar coin, I pull it out. It's a gold coin!

I stare. This could feed my large family of seven for months, even years! Quickly I look around. Seeing that no one saw me, I rush back to my sister, who is staring in shock. I look up at the TV, only then noticing that Dictator Gothel's announcement is over.

I grab her arm.  She can't be that frightened. After all, she's only nine. That's not old enough to be in the Hunger Games. Right? Right?!

"Sunny, what's wrong? What did Gothel say?"

Sunny gulps, her neck bobbing. I notice tear stains on her face. "Dictator Gothel said- she said- she- she said-"

I'm getting scared now. "What?!"

Big blue eyes stare up at me. "For this Quarter Quell, any and all children from just born to nineteen's names will be put in the reaping ball."

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