Chapter 7

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The next morning I knew that I needed to talk to Luke. I still couldn’t believe what happened with Ash, to be honest it all kind of confused me but I knew that I hurt the blue eyed boy. I threw on a pair of skinny jeans even though it was like 100 degrees and a Sublime shirt that was accompanied by my all black Converse. I grabbed my phone and left in search of Luke.

I knocked on his door only to find that no one was there, I guess he didn’t really wanna be found and I get that but I was such a dick last night not to mention the fact that he admitted to having feelings for me so I need to do something. I made my way over to the dining hall to look for him but was unpleasantly surprised when I was met with the short, blue haired girl. I rolled my eyes as she made her way over to me.

“Hi, I’m Jules. What’s your name?” she purred in my ear. I jerked my head away and replied with my name tiredly. “That’s interesting,” she leaned in,” and hot, like you.” Ew, but maybe it would be kinda fun to mess with her.

“Well Jules, what makes the name ‘Calum’ interesting? Is it the fact that it’s interesting that you haven’t fucked anyone named Calum yet?” I smirked leaving her dumbfounded. Her mouth opened and closed multiple times before responding with the most pitiful insult.

“Whatever. What kind of name is ‘Calum’? It sounds like calcium and who would name their kid after milk?”

“Milk is not synonymical to calcium, you’re so stupid. Did you even pay attention in school or were you too busy focusing on how much you wanted to get into your next victim’s pants, slut?”

The voice I had been dying to hear thundered out before the blue haired girl could come of with a response. “Calum! What the fuck? What, you didn’t have a good enough time being a dick to me so you have to do it to her, too?” I looked over to him to see his eyes aflame. I pushed by Jules and made my way to Luke only for him to walk back outside. I was about to open the door when he turned around and mouthed the word ‘don’t’. My arms fell slack as I watched him walk away.

Jules made her way over, stood by me and wrapped her arm around my shoulder before she asked me, “Why didn’t you tell me you were gay? I’ve always wanted a gay best friend.” I couldn’t help but laugh at her stupid comment and she joined in flashing her white teeth. Maybe she wasn’t so bad.

I looked down at the short girl before picking her up bridal style and asking if I qualified for the position as her gay best friend to which she responded with a quick nod of her head. I ran out of the building toward the dock and pretended to throw her in while she screamed like a maniac. I doubled over accidently dropping her on the dock.

“Why’d you do that?” she asked while she looked down at the water. I shrugged even though she couldn’t see me and sat next to her. She wouldn’t meet my eyes but I could see her cheeks were wet and flushed.

“Jules, what’s wrong?” I whispered slightly nudging her shoulder. She just shook her head and sniffled. “Jules, was it something I did? Are you hurt? What’s wrong?” She mumbled something still not meeting my eyes. “Speak up, love.”

This time her bloodshot eyes met mine. “Why’d you drop me? Am I too heavy?” she asked softly. I couldn’t help but roll my eyes, why does every girl have a weight complex?

“Really? Jules, I was actually worried. I’m sorry that you feel that way about yourself, but this is stupid. I don’t care about how heavy you are and it honestly doesn’t matter.” She just looked down again. “Look, I’m sorry but I don’t care whether you weigh 80 or 800 pounds, I just want to talk about Luke.”

She nodded and wiped her eyes on the bottom of her shirt taking off a lot of the unnecessary eye make up she was wearing. “Luke’s a good guy, I kinda screwed up with him the other night because my friend dared me that I wouldn’t lose my virginity this summer and God knows I need the money,” she said downcastedley.

I furrowed my brows in confusion. “You’re a virgin?” I asked almost amazed. She nodded. “I wouldn’t have guessed.”

“That was kind of the point,” she challenged.

“Back to Luke, I really like him but I screwed him over for something that didn’t even work out and now I miss him even though I met him like 3 days ago. He’s just so cool and everything I’ve ever wanted and even though he doesn’t really want me to be there, he’s like my prince here to save me from all the shitty decisions I’ve made,” I explained. She looked out over the water in deep thought before asking me a question I couldn’t answer.

“So why didn’t you chase after your prince?”


I'm sorry if this sucks but thanks for reading. 

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