Chapter Two

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            It had been nineteen years after the death of Nora and the kidnapping of Emily that she now goes by the name Cassandra Milner from a highly aristrocratic family and was treated like the 'princess' she wanted to be. Her blonde hair was now darker and her eyes lost some of the glow she had when she was a child.

            “Cassandra, you are going to the opera house tonight?” her mother asked.

            “Yes, mother, I am going tonight. What is being put on tonight?” Getting away from her dressing table and grabbed a very fashionable blue dress that had just came in from the London seamstress for this one oppurtunity to have her parents try to match her with a 'gentleman of the ton'.

            “I believe it is The Beggar's Opera that is in production.”

            “I will try to be there then. As you can see, I cannot let father think I am not eager for a husband.” She smiled before allowing the maids to help her dress. Now her breasts were slightly showing and her breathing was quick and  a bit shallow, “But not too tightly.”

        "Sorry miss." the maid loosened the corset and tied it back up. "Is that better?"

        "Immensely so, thank you, Rosie."

            Dressed in his robes and his tricorn on his head, Haytham Kenway walked into the Opera House and tried to find Birch, but instead, bumped into a woman who he thought he saw from his past. No, Emily was dead, she was not alive. After the death of his father not too long after she went missing, Haytham soon realized that nothing he could do would bring her back.

            “Cassandra, come, I believe Mr. Birch is here somewhere.”

            “No, he is old and I think I met him a long time ago. He gives me the creeps.” the woman said. Something about her was putting him on edge. She seemed too familiar. Sitting beside Birch, he looked around. Birch was the first to break the silence, “Evening, Haytham.”


            “I can't tell you how happy I was to hear they'd mounted this revival. Gay's best work by far. Have you seen it before?” he seemed happy, but was trying to make civil conversation.

            “Once, my father brought me here as a child, though I remember little of it. And I don't suppose tonight will afford me the luxury of a proper viewing either.” Haytham sat down beside him and looked around.

            “No, I'm afraid it won't. On to business then. Do you see him?”

            Looking around, this time with Eagle Vision, he found his target. “Yes, he's seated in one of the boxes above.”

            “The stairs are watched. You'll need to find another way up.”

            He mapped his way and knew what to do. “I already have.” Standing up he began making his way towards the balcony with his target. When he looked around, he noticed only one pair of eyes on him and knew who it was. That troublesome girl, Cassandra, if he remembered correctly.

            “Miss Cassandra, what are you looking at?” the maid looked at her and was still clueless why she was making a scene over not seeing the nice gentleman, Mr. Birch. To the maid, Mr. Birch was a nice and caring man, one that could bring her mistress the comfort, security, and loving that Mr. Milner was looking for his daughter.

            “It's nothing, Beth. Only thought a fly was buzzing near me.” fanning herself, Emily looked again at the man who could scale the wall. Joseph taught me that, he also told me something about nothing is true and everything is permitted, what is he doing? She kept a good eye on him and when she knew who he was going after, she excused herself and began running towards the suite where he was heading. There, she knew she got there too late as he stood up and looked at her. Emily was about to scream when he placed a hand on her side, in a low voice, “Scream and you will regret it.”

            “It's better than  being kidnapped and then raped.” she was about to do it when a group of men walked by, “Excuse us, sir, miss.” before continuing on. “My maid will warn everyone that you had taken me against my will.”

            “Maybe I should have taken her as well.” he growled and took her outside of the opera house and threw her into the carriage, looking at the driver, “It is done.” before getting in to look at her, the fire in her blue eyes reminded him of his father. “You are coming with me now.”

            “How much your father must be disappointed at his son going around and killing men at opera houses.”

            “My father is dead.” he snapped and she went quiet. Emily then looked at him and noticed a bit of Edward in him... Haytham? Can he be the boy she wished five weeks after her mother's death that she wished she had never hit because of his views? The driver asked, “How was the Opera?”

            “Truth be told, it was rather dull. Carry on to Fleet and Birdle.” he looked at her, “You dare try to run and I will hunt you down.”

            “I bet you would.” she glared at him before looking away.

            The meeting at the Templar house went smoothly, Haytham learning more that there are supporters over in the Colonies and that he is to become the Grandmaster over there. The only problem was the woman who reminded him terribly of Emily. He felt bad that he was horrible to her and wished she was there so he could apologize and get to know her more as a person. Not a troublesome brat.

            “What am I supposed to do with the girl? She saw me kill the man and I cannot let her go in fear of telling Bow Street about me and the Order.”

            “Bring her with you, I am sure you can throw her overboard on the Providence if she is a nussance to you. A storm can cover up her murder. Who is she anyways?”

            “That I do not know, she is tied tighter than a horse ready to bolt.” he sighed and grabbed the pendant.

            “Don't.. You mean the chit with a maid, blue dress?”

            “Yes, that one.”

            “Get going, if her family isn't on your tail now, soon you will have an angry father.” being ushered out of the house, he went to the carriage where the chit was being watched by a footman and the driver and he got in, “Don't bother thinking that you are free, you're coming on a trip with me.”

            “Where?” she asked, daring him to try and tell her that she was going to her death.

            “To Boston. Hope you don't mind.” he smiled when her face paled a bit. Now, she looked like the girl he told her that she wasn't princess material. But maybe she just looks like Emily, but not really her. "And it seems I pushed a button." 

        "What... what of my family?" She looked ready to cry. And proved his point that she wasn't a ghost of his past. 

        "They will not know and will never come for you." While watching her, he caught a tear falling as she kept a strong voice, "They will worry of me."

Author's Note: Yes, so Haytham has kidnapped "Cassandra Milner" and only believes that she is not Emily Price because he knew that Emily would never give into tears. What are your predictions of the future chapters? 

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