Chapter Seven

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Emily was waiting for Shay to come back from Lisbon, standing in her Assassin's uniform and seeing a ship coming in, began to run to the docks. "Shay!" She exclaimed before launching herself into his arms, "Lass, you will soon be the death of me." He joked, but something was off. Something that made her skin crawl. "What happened?"

"Thousands died, Emily." he whispered, his voice raw from the revelation, "I killed them all with that bloody book." Emily hugged him tightly before letting go, "Shay, we can go talk to Achilles- SHAY!" she shouted as he ran all the way back to the homestead and threw the door open, "You knew what was going to happen."

"I don't know what you're talking about," Achilles said and Emily had a few times looked at the book and could tell that something about the locations were off. But to accuse Achilles, "Shay, calm down-"

"I won't calm down, Emily. Not when I had slaughtered thousands on his command. Their deaths are on your head," he growled before leaving, Emily stayed behind, maybe talking some sense into the buffoon of the old man, "Achilles, I haven't known you long and it's not in my place, but you have to take into account that this is something that could've been avoided if we knew more about the manuscript."

"Price, I haven't known you for long either, but you must learn to keep your nose out of this stuff." He stood up and she blocked his path, "I have seen men kill an innocent in front of me, Achilles, my own mother was killed by a group of Assassins. Yet, they have never been reprimanded for their own actions. Think about how Shay feels killing thousands when he thought he was going to be saving them. Actions have consequences, Achilles, make sure yours don't affect everyone." and she left. The fresh, sea air helped Emily here and there when she needed a chance to breathe. Mostly when she woke up from a nightmare of Haytham killing her. Those were more frequent than she wanted them to be. Remembering that one night she caught Shay in his favorite spot on the homestead, went and found him. "Shay?"

"Aye, lass?" he turned around and looked at her, "You agree with me, don't you? The Manuscript must be burned or destroyed." Emily nodded and sighed, "They won't know if I took a fake copy of the manuscript and switched the two when I go to read it. I don't need to see anymore innocents die from the conflict between the two orders."

"The dreams again?" He asked, and she nodded, having told him her first week to how she ended up losing her mother at a young age and how she got found by Haytham. Now, he knew who she had ran away from and then stood, "I'm needed back at the house. I'll see you later." and left.


That night, Shay got into the office and with Emily keeping an eye out from another position, he ran into Achilles, having grabbed the real manuscript (she was under supervision to be able to switch) and started to run. Not the cliff, not the cliff, she thought to herself  and having chased him to the cliff, she encountered Hope, Liam and Achilles, calling Shay a traitor. She didn't understand, yet it was Achilles aiming the pistol at Shay. Once the pistol got shot, Emily was running for the edge to go catch and try to save Shay when Liam grabbed her arm, "No, this isn't your crime-"

"He's more like a brother to me than I've never known. You try not to care about him dying, but I do, whether you call me a traitor or not, I never wanted this life where a location of Precursor Temples causes earthquakes, killing thousands." and wrenching her arm from his grasps, performed her leap of faith off the edge, a shot rang, hit her outer calf and in pain, hit the water below. Reaching the surface, Emily cried out in pain as she looked around to find Shay on the bank close to the water and she swam (more like struggled to swim with the salt water stinging her leg) to climb up and inspect Shay, his right shoulder was bleeding. "I'm here," she started to say, tears burning her eyes. 

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