Chapter 25 - Dark Death

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Chapter 25 - Dark Death


"My king, the wolves have allied with the dragons. The dark Valkyries are already here and are eager to aide us against the dragons. It would seem that we have a small war on our hands." An excited voice utters not a minute later. Kaman is no longer completely bare. In just moments, he's wearing black leather pants, and his bare back is facing me. His body tenses.

"How many?" He asks. "Two dozen dragons, and some wolves. I have reason to believe more of them are coming. You do have their queen after all."

"Is he here. The king?" My body continues to tremble, and true agony consumes all thought. Though I'm sure I'm screaming, I am ignored.

"Yes. He flies on one of the lizard's back. The Valkyries are eager to fight but beware my king. The mutt king has the dragon princess at his back." A low, haunting laugh tumbles out of Kaman. "No matter. I want the king's head to present to my dark queen. It seems there is still some fight left inside her. I'll like to remove it" I feel his eyes on me, even though, I have long since closed my own.

"I could spell her-"

"No, she would not survive. The dark spell would overwhelm her and set my infestation of darkness to squeeze out the little life she has left. She is likely just feeling the desperation of my touch, as our bond grows."

In some ways, he's not wrong. As more of my awareness creeps in, the more pain I feel. I crave Kaman's touch, but it is now eclipsed by the craving of my true mate. The thing that climbed out of the dark pit inside me, is my wolf, and she's in a sea of black, drowning. I feel her struggling for breath, as something pushes her under.

Suddenly my body's feeling weightless, and I'm flying through the air. My already wounded body slams against a marbled wall, and my back arches on impact. My hooded eyes capture the sight of a large, rapid, black wolf. He's huge with every hair on his body standing on edge. It takes me a moment to register, that the wolf is ripping it's claws into a woman. Her fingers twitch in the air, as her face is fills with shock, as the black wolf tears the life out of her body.

My wolf, drowning, fights harder, and though my mind is slow, I feel the tears leak out of my eyes. He came for me. He came for me.

Jakes eyes find mine, and the madness in those beautiful eyes falter. Then instantly the moment changes. Kaman grabs Jake by the scruff his neck and flings him sideways.

"You make things easy for me mutt. Now I get to kill you earlier than I planned." Jake stand on all fours as quickly as possible, that rapid look back in place. He almost seems to get bigger. Jake snaps his jaws, and the sound causes even me to flinch back. My breathing falters, as my chest begins to hurt with each breath. I don't feel our bond, but my wolf recognizes her mate, and she continues to fight. I wish to join her, but I'm unable to attach myself to her completely. Something is blocking me. I'm attached to something else.

"How about we do this fairly. Beast against beast, yes?" Kaman says casually. Like a bull, Jake scrapes his claws against the floor, and then charges at Kaman. Instantly in Kaman's place is something other. Jake collides with a thing as big as he, with talons for nails, and horns that sit heavily on its head. Its skin is a dark gray, and its back hunched, but still so tall. Bones come out of its skin like knives. As it opens its mouth I notice four large fangs, and smaller sharp teeth surrounding the four larger teeth.

As I stare at Kaman's new form, something rustles inside of me. The inky, black emptiness moves, slithers almost. Kaman's nails dig into Jake, and his blood seeps out of his wounds, splattering the floor. Jake's own claws try to do damage, but it isn't much, the demon's hide to strong. Jake uses his teeth instead, latching onto one of the arms, currently pressed into his sides. His teeth seem to have more success, he shakes his head, while griping at Kaman's arm. The demon snarls and swats Jake, who instantly loses his grip. Send, skidding, painfully against the floor, Jake struggles to stand for a moment.

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