Chapter 11 - All Good Things Must Come To An End

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Chapter 11 - All Good Things Must Come To An End

I gasp awake. My heart barely fluttering inside of my chest. I release a low moan as my bones creak with a deep ache. A beeping catches my attention and I turn towards the noise. A heart monitor. With each slow beep, my heart slams against my chest, as if it's slow pace is causing it to work that much harder, on the verge of imploding. I look around the room. The pack's infirmary, I've been in here enough times to know it. My body vibrates with each pulse, a shaking in my limbs I can't explain. I pay closer attention to the room I'm in, my vision momentarily a bit blurry.

My heart flutters inside of my chest and picks up speed as I notice the figure siting in the corner of the room. His green eyes bloodshot and completely focused on me. The shaking in my limbs and aches in my bones slowly fading as I feel our ignored bond thrum between us. In that moment, all my fears and worries evaporate and I'm overwhelmed with the urge to tuck my head against his chest. My walls easily tumble down and I'm left vulnerable to attack. I don't care though. 'See my heart,' I mentally beg. His green eyes flood with emotions that tug my heart in different directions. He moves out of his seat, his feet carrying him closer to me.

I open my mouth willing my vocal cords to work, and say something. I had a feeling that this very moment would define all others. Before Jake could reach me, and my vocal cords take action, the door swings open. Derek walks in, blanket in hand. As he looks up at me, his face transforms into one of his rare smiles.

Moving faster than lightening, Derek's lips is pressed against my own. My heart roars in pain, not my own. Stunned, I can only stay still as my once silent wolf whines weakly. Parts of me war with others. Derek is my family, he is my own, yet I am not truly his and he is not truly mines. Self-hate consumes me, knowing that I am wronging him. Guilt eats at my heart. Though many times I have felt his lips on mines and the feeling was pure bliss, now I can only feel a doubling amount of disgust. These are not the lips I want, not the lips I need. The slow beat of my heart, rams harder and harder against my chest, as Derek finally pulls away, clutching my face in his hands. His eyes are full of worry and relief. Alongside those emotions, is the one we agreed not to feel but both failed at. Love.

"Goddess, Destiny. Thank goddess your okay. I thought I lost you," He shakes my face gently in his palms. "We thought we lost you."

Unable to help myself, my eyes search the room. My heart withers, and I moan low as I notice Jake's absence.

"What is it? Are you in pain? Shit, I'm sorry, I attacked you, instead I should be calling the doctor. Dammit! What happened? One moment I'm sending you for a walk, and the next thing I know your back late at night, not breathing." I have never seen Derek so frantic. Taking after his cousin, Derek is quiet and brooding, usually going for sarcastic and rude responses. I have never seen this side of him.

'Your fault.' A voice comments at the back of my mine.

I swallow and grip Derek's hands on my face. I open my mouth, trying my best to speak, only for me to practically breathe dust.

Derek moves quickly, grabbing a pitcher of water on the bed side table and pouring it into an empty glass. He hands it to me, and I give him a silent thank you. My mind fumble around for answers, but I only receive a thick lair of static. I sip slowly, the water cooling down my throat.

"I'll get the doctor." Derek eyes locks on my hand. I look down noticing my too tight grip, and my shaking limbs. Derek makes a move to walk away and go to the door.

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