Chapter 15 - Agony

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Chapter 15 – Agony

"So, there's an entire realm out there, filled of magical beings, and you're a ruler there?" I don't look away from the smooth round table inside of Jake's office, to look at him, instead I pierce my lips and nod.

Back inside the pack house, everyone was still pretty tense about what happened 30 minutes ago. The mess of wolves were being cleaned up, while I spilled my guts in here. Jason made it clear that it was now unnecessary to keep anything a secret anymore. He was very angry to see me back at the BloodMoon pack house, and I guess because I used my authority against him when I agreed that I wouldn't during our stay. I made it pretty obvious that I was the one in charge. Though I've never known him to be this upset about it before.

"That's kind of hard to believe." I hear Jordan pitch in. I flick my eyes up and narrow them. My stomach rolled as I met eyes with Jason in the brief glance up.

I growl, frustrated. "Look, what I did was pretty unbelievable, doesn't change the fact that I did it. And I'm not just some ruler in Berrilium. I'm the ruler of all werewolves, earthen and from the lands of Berrilium. This isn't what we should be talking about though. Those wolves were not right. Has anyone gotten any answers about that?" I suck in a breath and look up, meeting Jake's eyes, which were stuck on me, and then moved onto Jordan's, who gazed at me with sad yet prideful eyes, then everyone else's. I flinch at the look my family gave me.

My heart clenched, and I suppress a moan of pain as the feeling hit me deep inside my bones.

"You're off this mission. We can't discuss things with you, not until everything is solved." My eyes widen, and I stare at Jason in disbelief.

"What?" I rasp.

"You have been removed from the mission. I assumed you weren't coming back to earth for a while, your highness." He flung out bitterly.

I gape, feeling that dark bit begin to erode my heart. That unnatural calmness sinks in, and the feeling of pure anger invades.

I force myself to not make a scene, at least not in front of Jake and his pack members. This was a family matter. I give a silent scoff. I bet its real hard to believe that I'm some great Ruler when Jason talks down to me like that. Unwilling to give anymore words, or explanations, I nod at the table, and stand to leave the room.

I slam the door shut, my limbs trembling with the force of wild emotions banging against that calm feeling. Anger was the easiest to feel, then came a dim light of hate. I ignore the glances of the BloodMoon pack members as I hurry to the lower section of the house, to the gym.

I stumble, my vision blurring. I would have fallen, if not for my quick reflexing causing me to grip at the wall. I burst through the door, thanking the goddess that it was empty. I remove my clean shirt, leaving me in only a sports bra and leggings. I look around, searching the room, needing desperately to remove some of this toxic energy. My eyes find the treadmill, and I race over. Powering it up, I begin in an instant sprint. I run for a long time, still feeling like I needed to tear the entire world apart. I hop off, without stopping the treadmill, unafraid of falling.

I was breathing hard, too damn hard. I clutch my head, willing myself to focus. To fight this sickness that is evading my body, my mind.

I move over to the punching bags. The first punch at it felt good. The treadmill had done barely anything for me, yet to hit something, even a punching bag, brought an intoxicating sense of relief. I hit the bag again harder, and harder. I heard the cracks and thuds of the power of each blow. I'm holding back, I know that, but I can see parts of the ceiling coming undone as I continued to hit. I hit the bag harder, unable to help myself. The bag breaks from the steal chain flying into the wall on the opposite side of the room.

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