Chapter 7 - Blood Moon Pack

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Chapter 7 - Blood Moon Pack

6 years later

I walk through the halls of the pack house, my heals clinking along the floor. Dressed in a pretty gown with a sparkling crown on my head, was not how I wanted to attend an urgent pack meeting. But seeing as I had a rather formal meeting of my own in Berriulium, with my chosen alphas, I didn't have time to change clothes. The pack house is quiet. Pack member having already made it to their beds. I push open the door to the library, meeting the backs of both Jason and Derek. The two turns to me and I give them a sheepish smile. I head their way, and give them a slight shrug of my shoulders.

"I guess I'm a little late huh?"

I stand in between the two and look down at a map filled with marks.

"So, what's up? Is the rogue problem cleared?" I ask as I study the marked spots on the map.

"Unfortunately, no. Something odd is going on. Pack members of different packs are going missing and turning up later as ferall. And it seems that's not our only problem. The human hunters are growing restless. More of them are getting too close to pack." Jason answers. I raise my eyebrows high. That shouldn't be possible, since there are the magical barriers hiding pack lands.

Jason runs a hand over his face. I notice dark circles under his eyes. I turn and look at the Derek at my other side. He too seems to be swaying on his feet.

"Guys, you need to rest. I shouldn't have had you with me for so long, helping with the politics bullshit. You already have your work cut out for you here." I felt guilty. Ever since discovering Berrilium, I have been moving back and forth between the realms. Something that isn't exactly allowed in Berrilium according to the agreement the kingdom came to. But I'm sure I'm not the only one using their gate. Beside me on every trip is usually Jason, Derek, or one of the others. The Prime Enforcers Pack had mostly moved to Berrilium, gate hopping along with me, when they needed something from earth, which I've put a strict limit too of course. There was still a few people that are still hesitant to move, so they still live at the pack house, but those who made the move, adore Berrilium. Though I did have to make a few changes of course. Some more forbidden stuff.

Derek scoffs, and gives me a deadly scowl. "You know better. We wouldn't let you go through anything alone." I grin at his scowling face, which only makes his scowl deepen.

I roll my eyes. "Yeah, yeah." I say softly, touching his hand on the desk. I turn back to Jason who gives me a raised eyebrow.

"Derek's right. As the head of the queen guard. Its important for us to be at your side always."

"I think I can take care of myself boys. But let's cut this meeting short, right, before you guys fall to the floor in exhaustion." For these two to be truly exhausted, they would have to have been really pushing themselves. Ever since we made the move to Berrilium, we have grown stronger. Like mega stronger. It wasn't just our human parts too, our wolves have grown, soaking up the magic running through Berrilium. A fact that has my wolf extremely pleased. I'm practically a mountain in wolf form. We spend most of our time there, in Berrilium, but still we must come back, to service the packs in need. Jason and the others still had an obligation to the other packs on earth, and of course to the humans, if they don't want to go broke. Lately there has been a rogue problem. Rogues are being seen everywhere, and strangely enough, in packs. The whole reason for becoming a rogue is to be independent, to not have to follow the rules of a pack and the alpha. It was weird when Jason first told me about it.

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