Chapter 8 - DillFarm's Strawberry Milk

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Chapter 8 - Dillfarm's Strawberry Milk

It didn't take me long to feel bad about my actions. I was now settled inside one of the fancy guest rooms, with my luggage flat on the floor, and my mind shut off to my family. It was the phone call that did me in, that woke me up from my blind rage, and hatred.

Feeling the vibration in my pocket, I pull out my phone and scan the screen. The ice already melting from my heart as I see who it is. Swiping to answer the facetime call, I am greeted with a smiling face.

"Mama!" My curly headed five-year-old shouts into the screen, her entire head in front of the camera. The ice now mere puddles, as my heart warms with warmth for my little girl.

I never thought about children much in my life. I just knew I wanted them with my mate, a nice big family to call my own. The idea itself had drifted away into nothingness when I left my home, until that faithful day I laid eyes on my sweet Abby. It didn't take me long to realize that I wanted to keep her for myself. A motherly instinct had latched itself onto me as soon as I laid eyes on the blue-eyed baby so long ago. Tila had been shocked with my decision. Having not expected that I would be keeping the child I had only promised a couple hours too, forever. She lit up every day of my world, as well as many others. She was smart and loud and playful, and so brave. She was truly my everything, one of the larger stitches that sealed the huge hole that Jake left in my fragile heart.

"Hi sweetheart. How are you? Are you giving uncle Mark any trouble?" I raise my eyebrows at my sneaky five-year-old.

"I've been good mama, promise. I'm not giving anyone any, any trouble." I hear the unmistakable grunt of Mark in the background. I chuckle, knowing good and well my little Abby has gotten her hands into some kind of mess.

I watch as Abby's face transforms. Her eyebrows go low, and her eyes get glassy, along with her favorite pouting lip. "When are you coming home mama? I miss you." My heart cracks a little as I give my baby a sad smile.

"Mama's going to be away for a while honey, but I promise when I get back, I'll come get you and bring you to earth, and we'll go to chucky cheese. Will you like that?" Abby's face takes another turn at the mention of chucky cheeses, one of her favorite places in the world, and she hasn't even been to Disney world yet. I didn't make a habit of letting Abby go through the portal often, it was only on special occasions that I bring her through for a bit of fun. Having been born in Berrilium, Abby has little to no experience with non-magical humans, and even though she is only part werewolf, she is still so strong. It's dangerous for humans, as well for other young wolves that are coming of age to play with her. There is also the fact the Earth would seep away her strength if she's on earth too long.

"Oh yes mama. Yes! Yes! Yes!" She bobs up and down, causing the phone in her hand to shake. "Come home really soon mama, I want a cheesy pizza and candy, and tickets, and toys..." She goes on listing her wants and desires to play with the big mouse. I laugh at her, completely filled with love as her eyes lights up with happiness and excitement. Excitement I remember having too, as I begged my own mother to go to my favorite places. A twinge of sadness stabs me in the chest, but I ignore it as I always do when talking to my beautiful girl.

"Alright that enough Abbigail. I would like to speak to your mother now, and you need a bath." Mark's voice is clear and stern, but I knew better, his face probably held a loving smile. He also loved Abby something fierce, as well as his daughter did.

"Mama, I have to go now." The phone backs away from her face a bit, giving me a view of brown muddy mess on her clothes. I release a laugh.

"Okay honey, mama's gonna see you real soon. I miss you so much already. I love you, I love you, I love you, three times for good luck." "I miss you more mama! I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, four times for more luck." I grin as she answers to our silly saying.

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