Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

March 9th

The next weekend, Tasha was glad that it had finally arrived. She had such a long week at university and she wasn't liking the pile of work that she now had. Because she was a good student, she had already started her first assignment, and it was stressing her out more than she thought it would.

But, on the plus side, the first assignment was in a group (not that Tasha liked it). But this group had allowed her to make two new friends; Emily Hall and Emma Collins. Tasha had invited the girls over so they could see what they could get done on the assignment.

The assignment asked the students to work in a group of three where they had to give a presentation on a counselling approach. Tasha was glad that Emily and Emma had volunteered to be in the group with her and she was glad that they were nice people.

The girls had settled themselves on the kitchen table and they had spread all of their books out.

Tasha decided that she liked Emily and Emma. Emily had recently moved to Sandy Beach and Emma traveled an hour a day to come to university.

Tasha was glad that the girls were at her house helping her with the work, but she was worried about this presentation. This was the first university assignment she was working on and it was harder than she thought it would be.

"Don't worry about it, Tasha, they aren't expecting us to get out of the world marks this time," said Emily.

"But don't we want to do well?" replied Tasha.

"We do, but even if we don't do well, we can learn from this."

"Well, yeah, I guess."

"Exactly; so, don't stress. It will be fine."

"I hope so."

"So," said Emily, changing the subject, "I can't believe he used to be your teacher."

Tasha looked up to see that Mr Wilson had come out. He went out the back door to go and mow the lawn. Amy probably asked him.

Tasha just smiled at her friend.

"He is so hot," Emma agreed, "even though he is old."

Tasha laughed, even though she didn't think that Mr Wilson was old. He was only twenty six, and Tasha couldn't help laughing at Emma's comment. But then, maybe Tasha needed to be worried because what if the harmless comment turned into something worse?

What if it turned into a crush?

Tasha didn't know what she would have done if that happened because it would have been hard to deal with. She would have been in the middle and Tasha wasn't good dealing with things like that in that position.

Tasha didn't want to think of this anymore, "shouldn't we get back to work?" she asked.

The girls nodded in agreement and Tasha was glad that that conversation was over. Now was the time to focus on her work, and Tasha was going to do just that.


Isabella was glad that she had come home on the weekend, and Storm was happy to be home with Destiny. Isabella was also happy that Hannah had agreed to come with her so she could meet everyone Isabella had told her about. The girls were in the paddock with the horses, saying hello to Destiny. And while that was happening, Mr Doyle was hard at work on the shelter for Destiny and the foal.

It wasn't long before the friends were disturbed from spending time with Destiny when Isabella thought that someone sneaking up behind her. Isabella turned around and she smiled when she saw Mr Wilson. She couldn't believe that she didn't hear his footsteps. He could be so mysterious sometimes.

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