Chapter 15 - Remembering

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Sofia opened her eyes and found herself walking out the back door of her parents house and into an alley. She was carrying four bags of rubbish towards a dumpster.

Sofia reached the dumpster and dropped the bags on the ground to open it. She took a sudden step backwards from the smell and tripped over one of her bags of rubbish. She fell right on her butt and heard laughter above her.

She looked up to see a guy with chocolate brown hair and dark green eyes laughing at her.

"Hey! It's not nice to laugh at people!" Sofia yelled at him as she tried to stand up.

"But what if what they did was really funny?" His eyes sparkled as he said this and he offered out his hand. "I'm Luke by the way. Luke Chaser"

"Well, Luke Chaser, I have some very important things to attend to so I have to go." Sofia glared at Luke and stood up. She grabbed a rubbish bag and threw it into the dumpster.

Sofia turned around and saw Luke picking up the other bags. She glared at him but he pretended not to notice and pushed past her to the dumpster.

"You're welcome." Luke said with a big grin on his face, "What's your name?"

"Sofia. Why?"

"Okay. Sofia, do you want to hang out later?"

"Why on earth would I want to hang out with you?"

"Does Saturday sound good?"

"I don't want to hang out with you."

"Cool. How about I swing by at six and we'll get something to eat."

"Like a date?" Sofia couldn't believe him. She only just met him but he seemed like an arrogant prick.

"Yeah, sure. If that's what you want"

"I never said that."

"I'll have you home by ten so your parents won't worry. Do you like Italian?"

"I'm not going out with you!" Sofia protested but Luke was already walking off.

"See you later Sofia."


"Wow Luke. This night was amazing! I can't believe you actually sat through Love Actually with me!" Sofia and Luke went to the cinema to watch the Valentines Day screening of Love Actually. They were standing on a street corner right next to Sofia's house saying goodnight.

"I'd do anything for you."



Sofia grinned. "Would you climb a tree?"

Luke turned around and started to climb up a pine tree before he slipped and fell back down to earth.

Sofia cracked up laughing and Luke joined in. Sofia took a breath.

"Would you sing me a song?"

Luke smiled and started clapping and ooo-ing to the tune of 'Never Gonna Give You Up'. Then he started to sing it in the most ridiculous voice.

"Never gonna give you up! Never gonna let you do-ow-own. Never gonna turn around and -"

"Stop! Please stop!" Luke was singing horribly even though Sofia knew he could sing well.

"I would buy you a diamond ring if I had the money for it."


"I would travel the world with you. I would treat you like a queen."

"Luke, don't talk like that."

"Why not?"

"Because it'll make it harder when you leave me."

"I will never leave you Sofia. I can't live without you. If I ever left you, I would kill myself because a life without you means nothing. I love you Sofia. I love you so much I would fly you to the moon and back!" Luke smiled at Sofia and she smiled back, "I love you Sofia. I love you so much."

"I love you too."

Their lips were against each other's before they knew what was happening. Their first kiss and it was perfect.


"Sofia Hart, will you marry me?"

Sofia and Luke were standing on a beach just as the sun was going down. Luke was holding a

Sofia felt like her heart would melt. She squealed, "Yes, yes, yes!"

Luke stood up and she leaped into his arms. Luke laughed and kissed her.

Suddenly, Sofia was in a room with no light. She couldn't see anything, not even her own hand in front of her face.

She remembers now. She knows what William Harris did to her. She knows that he is a lying, cheating, rich airhead and that she never loved him. She only thought she did because he manipulated her.

Sofia is in love with Luke Chaser. The man who crashed a wedding to be with her. The man who she was taken away from. And someone was about to pay for that.

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