Chapter 8 - The Beach

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Sofia had spent the day figuring out who William Harris was and why she thought she was marrying Someone Chaser instead. She walked along the beach and tried to think.

Sofia couldn't even remember her last name, let alone who Chaser was. She could only think of four names:

M... someone
William Harris
... Chaser

But who were they?

Why couldn't she remember?

Sofia kicked at the sand. What was wrong with her? Why didn't she remember anything? Who was Lucy? Who's name started with M? And who was Chaser?

Sofia looked out at the ocean. It was getting dark and the stars were starting to come out. She felt the sand beneath her toes and watched the stars twinkling and reflecting off the water.

It was almost identical to when she got engaged. Only that there was no-one with her.

Sofia fell to the ground and burst into tears. Why could she remember her engagement but not her fiancée? Who was Chaser and why can't she stop thinking about him?

Sofia cried and cried. She cried until there were no tears and she wasn't making a sound.

Suddenly, she felt a hand on her shoulder. She looked up and saw...

William Harris?

Will smiled at her and helped her up.

"Will?" Sofia asked, startled.

"Hello Sofia. I was coming to check up on you and saw you down here so I came over. What's wrong?" Will's voice was sweet and caring. It felt weird but it felt right all at the same time for Sofia.

"Nothing's wrong. I just can't get this name out of my head." Sofia said quickly, not wanting too many questions asked. She was meant to marry this guy and she couldn't remember him! What was she supposed to do?

"What's the name? Maybe I can help."

"I can't remember the first name, but the last name is Chaser. Do you know any Chasers's?" Will's face changed instantly from kind and caring, to annoyance and discomfort.

"I know a Chaser." Will began slowly. He seemed hesitant, "Luke Chaser. He lives downtown. He is a truly horrible person. He is absolutely horrid. Try not to concern yourself with him, Sofia, he'll only bring trouble."

Luke Chaser.

He sounded so familiar. So kind. But Will had said that he was horrible. Maybe she was just getting cold feet. She was getting married to Will tomorrow afternoon. She couldn't afford to think up of random men with terrific stories.

"Are you alright Sofia?"

Will's voice brought Sofia out of her thoughts. He smiled at her and pulled her close. He kissed her forehead and started to sway with the wind.

"Tonight is just like the night we got engaged." Sofia said, if only to break the silence. She looked up at Will, "Don't you remember? You took me in a limo to all my favourite places and then you brought me here and proposed."

"Of course I remember! You were so beautiful that night. I almost couldn't wait to get on the beach." Will said softly. He looked down at Sofia and leant down.

Sofia closed her eyes and their lips collided.

Sofia felt at home. As though all her thoughts came together.

She was madly in love with Will Harris. And she was getting married to him tomorrow.

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