Chapter 5 - The Falling Out

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Maddi and Lucy spent the whole night making sure Sofia was having the time of her life. They took her to a little diner for dinner then they went to an ice-creamery for dessert. After dessert they got back in the limo and went to a club.

Maddi was off straight away to flirt with guys and Lucy went straight to dancing. Sofia danced for a while with Lucy, then she slipped outside when no-one was looking. Sofia wasn't one for parties and the loud music was giving her a headache, so she went to the garden out the back and sat on a bench underneath a rose arch.

She was getting married in two days and none of it felt real. She was marrying Luke, the love of her life, and she felt as though she was watching someone elses life play out. None of her decisions were her own. She had planned everything with Luke, but it felt as though nothing was planned by her. Her life didn't feel real and, no matter how hard she tried, it never would. At least, that's what it felt like to Sofia.

She was so lost in her thoughts that she didn't notice Lucy come outside and sit down next to her, grinning broadly. Lucy's expression quickly changed when she saw Sofia.

"Hey Sofe. What's wrong?" Sofia blinked and looked at Lucy in surprise. Lucy smiled softly and moved a bit closer to comfort Sofia if she needed it.

"Lucy! When did you get here?"

"I just sat down." Lucy had a concerned look on her face, "What's wrong Sofe?"

Sofia sighed. If she told Lucy what was wrong, Lucy would think she's insane. She even sounded insane to herself. Why couldn't she just be happy with her lfie and except that this is actually happening? She shook her head and smiled.

"Nothing's wrong. Why do you think that?" Her voice quivered involuntarily. Lucy looked her with her eyebrows raised.

"You've been missing for an hour and you're staring off into space. I think that qualifies as a reason to 'think that'" Lucy laughed. Then she looked at Sofia with concern, "Seriously though. We were getting worried. Is this because of the wedding? You know it's perfectly normal to get cold feet"

"Well I'm fine. But if something was wrong I wouldn't tell you about it!" Sofia snapped at her. Lucy flinched and stood up. Sofia realised what she said and stood up, "Lucy I-"

"I know you're upset Sofia," Lucy interrupted, her voice choking up, "but you don't have to be so mean about it." A big tear rolled down her cheek and she turned away.

"Lucy, I'm sorry I didn't mea-" Sofia started but Lucy started sobbing and ran towards the club. Sofia went to follow her, "Lucy! Come back! I'm sorry!"

Lucy reached the door and turned to face Sofia. She had a sad look in her eyes that made Sofia stop.

"You are the meanest person I have ever met. I don't understand what Luke sees in you, but he must be blind if he loves you!" Lucy turned around and took a step inside, "Oh. And if you want to know my opinion. He's marrying you for your looks because he can't possibly love you for who you truly are."

Lucy glared at Sofia before slipping inside and slamming the door.

Sofia stood rooted to the spot. Lucy was normally very shy and hated confrontations. Sofia knew that speech was coming for her for a long time though. She had treated Lucy horribly when she was planning the wedding, yelling at her a and always complaining.

Sofia felt a tear roll down her cheek. She was horrible to her best friend and they told her. Sofia didn't like how horrible she had become since the engagement.

Sofia collapsed to the ground in fit of tears. She never knew that words could hurt someone so much.

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