Chapter 11 - Sofia Harris?!?!

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Luke had driven all around town, looking for Sofia. He checked all of their spots. The beach where they got engaged, the restaurant where they had their first date, the street corner where they first kissed, the dumpster where they first met. He checked every alley, every shopping centre, every street corner.

Now he had driven to the church by the docks. The place they were supposed to be getting married tonight at 6 o'clock!

Luke had barged through the doors and ran straight into Eliza, knocking her over and sending her papers flying everywhere.

"I'm so sorry!" Luke helped Eliza to her feet and helped her collect all the loose sheets of paper that had managed to get absolutely everywhere.

"It's alright, no harm done." Eliza straightened out all the papers and sighed, "I guess I'll sort through this later."

"I'm so sorry. I wasn't watching where I was going. I hope you're not hurt." Luke looked at her with concern, but she waved him off.

"I'm alright! Stop your worrying!" Eliza laughed, "Now, what do you need?"

"I was wondering if you had seen Sofia recently?" Luke asked hopefully.

"Sofia Hart?" Eliza questioned. Luke nodded, "I haven't seen her since she checked out the venue and planned the wedding. She should be coming here for a quick rehearsal later though."

Luke felt like punching something.

This was his last idea. He couldn't think of anywhere else that Sofia could be.

Then he processed the last sentence.

Sofia was coming back here!

For the wedding rehearsal! Of course!

Wait. They hadn't planned a rehearsal. Why was she coming for one?

"What do you mean by rehearsal?" Luke stared at Eliza quizzically. Eliza beamed at him.

"Rehearsal for her wedding! She's getting married tonight! By seven o'clock she will be Miss Sofia Harris!" Eliza exclaimed.

Luke froze.

Did she just say Sofia HARRIS?

She's meant to be Sofia CHASER by seven o'clock.

What is going on here?

Luke shook his head. He was getting Sofia back no matter what. He just needed to think of a plan.

He turned to Eliza thoughtfully.

"What time is the wedding?"

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