CHAPTER 10~ temptations

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"guys I should really be getting, my mum is probably worried, I told her I wa-" Andy started to say,

"No stay!" Brook cut Andy off as he and Jack entered the room. Brook was wrapped around jack like a koala. Rye watched the two sit on the sofa and he smiled softly, glancing at Andy.

"I can't little Brooky, I have to get home to my mum, make sure she is alright" Andy sighed.

"Will you come back?" Brook asked sounding dejected. Rye wasn't feeling top notch either, he wished Andy would stay.

"Tell you what, I'll go see if my mum's okay and then if she says I can, I'll come back, Kay?"

"Yes!" Rye shot up and yelled before Brook could answer. Oh wow, why had he done that? He sat back down quickly

"Uhm... Sorry, I was... I won the game in my phone" Rye picked up his phone from his lap. He hadn't been on it but it's a good cover up.

"Right..." Andy said, Rye took note to the pink coloring his cheeks.

"ah sorry, what's happening?"

"Andy's going home!" Harvey cried to Rye.

"I said I'd try to be back, give me like 15 minutes" Andy said disappearing. A minute later he was back,

"Actually, could one of you show me how to get out of here?" He asked looking slightly embarrassed. Rye's heart smiled, he was so cute.

"Rye will do it!" Mikey suggested. Rye started choking on his spit.

"Wh-what?" He weezed.

"Ye, you don't mind, right?" Jack added.

"Um, no. No, I'll walk you out" Rye nodded and stood up.

He walked over to Andy and they turned down a hall.

"Here, to help you in the future. When my father had this place built I was like 12, so I had a hard time navigating. I ended up marking everything. The path of O's will show you the way out" he ran a hand over the carved letter in the wall, smiling softly to himself.

"The L's mark the way to the livingroom, the R's the closest bathroom the k's for the kitchen and so on"

"That's brilliant!" The blond said looking at Rye. Rye blushed looking away,

"Thanks, anyway, this is it"

"Oh, right thanks... I'll be back in a bit" Andy said before walking away. Rye's eyes followed him until he disappeared. He decided he would wait for him, about five minutes later Mikey texted.

Mikey: what's taking so long, y'all making out? 😂😂

Rye: NO!😬 I told you, I don't like Andy, besides. I'm not gay

Mikey: you weren't denying it when he came over yesterday

Rye: well i am now, I'm not gay

Mikey: you are telling me that all of your friends are gay and you don't even have slight temptations?

Rye: having temptations and liking boys is two different things

Mikey: aha! So you do have temptations!

Rye: I never said that, I just said that having them and liking boys were two different

Mikey: do you have temptations?

Rye: I don't want to talk about this over the phone

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