CHAPTER 1 ~ New start

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Far away bells chimed softly, marking the beginning of the afternoon. Wind blew shaking the bare branches of trees that once held leaves. It was winter, and depending on who you were, you either loved it or hated it.

Unless you were like Andrew Fowler who didn't care either way, as long as he got to wear his oversized hoodie. Whether it be Summer Spring, Winter or Fall, to Andy, it was always sweater weather.

Andy Fowler wasn't your average high school student. He had secrets, a lot of them at that.

The blond 16 year old sighed into the arm of his hoodie. He rested his abnormally warm head against the cool wood of the desk. He didn't feel great. At all. It was just a 24 hour stomach bug,
usually He was able to avoid them, but it caught up to him.

Minutes later Andy was running from the classroom to the bathroom. He leaned over the toilet and threw up all contents in his stomach.

"Mr. Fowler! How many times do I have to tell you that you do not just get up and leave my class whenever you feel like it?!" the old bat who taught Andy's class barged into the bathroom and began yelling, spit flying.

"If you hadn't noticed, I'm in here because I had to be sick. Would you have rather me asked you then throw up all over you?" Andy glared.

"Come back to class Mr. Fowler" the teacher said dryly. Before he had a chance to respond he was jerked over the toilet spilling his guts again. He heard the clicks of the teachers shoes
retreating and he wiped his mouth.

Walking over to the sink, he rinsed out his mouth and washed his face. Leaning against the counter the blond took in his battered state. Andy was very tired and his stomach was still doing flips. He was happy that he was moving today. Him and his mum had spent the last week
packing. Once school let out they would leave for their new home which was thankfully hours away from here.

The bell would ring any moment lunch and Andy already knew he wouldn't eat. As if on que the bell went of and andy pulled himself up straight and wiped his sweat damp hair from his face.

Andrew Fowler was the school's loner and he was okay with that, the less people who knew he existed the less would judge him.

He dragged himself outside to the food court and sat in the grass. Pulling up his hood, he laid his head against the wall and fell asleep.

Coming back to reality, Andy was woken by the ringing of his phone.

"Hello Mum..." Andy said groggily.

"Andy honey, where are you. School ended and hour ago"

"What?! Crap, I fell asleep I'll be home soon" Andy said. He quickly pushed himself up and dug through his pockets for the car keys. Andy walked to his car and was home in less than ten minutes due to the small amount of traffic.

"Mum, I'm home. Sorry I'm so late. How is she?"

"She's been sleeping ever since I picked her up" His mom said appearing from the kitchen. I'm making sandwiches then we can get going. I'm going to drive the moving truck and you can drive the car." his mum said pulling him into a hug.

"Oh honey, are you still feeling bad?"

"I'm feeling better mum, I was asleep since lunch until you called me"
"Oh, dear"

"I'm going to go wake her" Andy kissed his mom's cheek and disappeared down the hall. He opened the door right next to his and walked in quietly. He went over to the light pink crib where the gurgling sound was coming from.

"Hello Luna" Andy smiled softly. Luna put her hands up, making grabby hands,

"Dada" she squealed quietly.

"Hello angel" Andy cooed, picking up his daughter. "Are you ready, huh baby. We're leaving, and going to a new home. Yes we are!" he rubbed her hair and sat her on his hip.

"Mum, lets go!" Andy yelled. Luna clapped her hands excitedly, babbling nonsense.

Andy loaded the small amount of luggage left and put it in the car before buckling in his daughter. Then they were off to the new place.

The Boy In The Hoodie RandyWhere stories live. Discover now