CHAPTER 3~ Voices in the woods

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The next day Andy woke up at 5 am. He knew Luna wouldn't wake up until about six so he decided to go for a run. He had spent all of yesterday exploring and he had found a trail behind his house the led through the forest and came back out at the park that was on the next street over from his.

Today he would start his new school, it was a private school. Apparently the headmaster of the school knew his mum when the were teenagers.

Andy put on his hoodie and sweatpants. He walked from his room quietly and put on his blue and pink running shoes.

"Mum, I'm going for a run" he whispered to his mum who was in the kitchen making a cup of tea.

"Alright, be safe honey" she said walking over to him and kissing his head. He smiled and slipped out of the house.

The wind was blowing softly, that combines with the coldness of winter made Andy shiver. He pulled up his hood and began his run.

He soon entered the woods where all that was heard was the crunching of leaves and the occasional rabbit or deer bounding around.

Reaching the middle of the woods and slowed to a jog. The sound of laughter reached his ears and he perked, still jogging, but looking around. He couldn't spot the source of the sound so keep sped back up to a run and exited the forest.

Running from the park to his house Andy stopped at the from porch and jogged in place. He looked at his watch, it had been fifteen minutes. He decided to do another lap.

Running back into the forest, Andy took his time in looking around the forest. He knew he would be spending his time here when Luna was at her nap or needed time alone.

He heard the laughter again, this time accompanied with a voice.

"No jack!...Get off you bum!... love you more" another laugh was heard out of it.

"Gross!" Two voices chimed in unison.

"Shut up Marvey" two more voices said.

"No you shut up Jacklyn, calm down" Andy continued to run, as he thought. Marvey and Jacklyn, what weird names.

He made it back to his house by 6. He needed a shower but he woke Luna up first.

"Mum, Luna needs a change" Andy said.

"You change her before school. You have time" she said, not looking up from her book.

"But mum, I need a shower"

"And Luna needs a bath" take her with you"

"Mum!" Andy whined, he picked Luna up as she crawled around his leggy.

"Daddy!" She gushed, pulling on his sweat damp hair.

"Andy, you two can bathe together"

"Mum, I'm a boy she's a girl that's kinda weird"

"It's fine, she won't remember by the time she gets older"

Andy saw no use in arguing so he whisked his daughter into the bathroom. He forgot his own body wash so he ended up washing with the baby stuff.

By the time he had his uniform and stuff ready, fed Luna and himself and it was 7:30.

"Mum! I'm going!"

"Have a good day honey. Oh! Don't forget to see the headmaster!" She yelled after him.

Andy grabbed his satchel and his daughter. Once Luna was buckled in the passengers seat, her car seat turned away, he drove to the new daycare.

"Hello, I'm guessing you're Andy?" A lady said.

"Yes, this is Luna. Here's her schedule. She will eat breakfast before coming here, then at 10:00 she is bottle fed. At 1:00 she eats lunch, usually one jar. She's then burped and she naps at 2:00 for an hour. She will play until 4:00, that's around the time I'll be here, or my mother, to pick her up. "

"Here's her favorite toy if she doesn't go down for nap. She is a very good girl so it shouldn't be too hard. If sh-"

"Mr. Fowler, with all do respect. I do believe your daughter is in good hands. Please don't be late for school" the lady answered.

Andy checked his watch and saw that it read 7:50. School started in ten minutes.

"Crap!" He quickly handed his daughter to the lady then her bags. Kissing his daughter on the head, he rushed back to his car, putting the baby seat in the trunk.

It took him all of five minutes for him to reach the school. He luckily caught the headmaster when he was free. Only for ten minutes.

He was a pretty nice guy, strict and straight forward and funny. Headmaster Champ showed Andy to his first block.

He had History. He walked into the room and luckily didn't have to introduce himself. The school was so big that he would easily blend in with the crowds of people as if he belonged.

Class started and Andy decided he would try to pay attention. History wasn't a hard subject for him, he would hear bits and pieces but still understand.

Fifteen minutes into class, five boys walked in.

"Sorry we're late Mrs. Duff" one with an Irish accent said.

"Jack, you left the house this morning around five am. How are you late?" The teacher asked.

"I was hanging with the boys mum. I'm sorry" Jack said looking the ground.

"Take your seats, all of you" she sighed.

"Wait, you won't make us get a tardy?" One said.

"No Harvey, now take your seat before I change my mind and say otherwise."

"Thanks Mrs. Duff" one with died blond hair said.

"Seat" she snapped. Pointing to one of the seats next to Andy. It was then he realised the seats behind, in front, to the left, to the right and the one in front of the one on the right of him, were all empty. They all filed into separate seats.

"Hey, you're new aren't you? I'm Harvey Cantwell" one of them said turning to Andy.

"That's Jack Duff, Brooklyn Wyatt Gibson, Michael Cobban, and Ryan Beaumont" Harvey said pointing to each boy.

The one called Michael rolled his eyes,
"I'm called Mikey" he said.

"And I'm called Brook, he's called Rye" Brook said.

Andy contemplated turning back to Mrs. Duff but decided against it,

"Andrew Fowler" he said nodding at them all, except Rye, who sat behind him. "I'm called Andy"






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