Chapter 10

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"Hey, Jade?" Hailey asked as they walked together following the green dot. "What do you think Dragoria will be like?"

"I'm not sure." Jade answered. I think I am going to ask Lorek to give me a history lesson on Dragoria so I can understand."

"Are we still on the right path?" Dylan yelled from behind.

"Yea." Jade yelled back.

"Are we almost to the exit?" Dylan yelled again.

"I don't know, stop asking questions." Jade replied.

Suddenly she bumped into something leafy, lost her balance, and the book went flying! A dead end, she was talking to Dylan and accidentally went the wrong way and now she dropped the book.

"Dylan!" Jade yelled annoyed. "You made me lose the book!"

"Its not my fault!" He yelled back.

"Ugh!" Jade said and she began to search for the book. "Hey, I'll use a spell to summon the book."

"I am afraid that can't be done." Lorek said from behind. "Magic books cannot be summoned."

"Well, its definitely not here." Jade replied.

"It only bounced out of your hand how far could it have gone." Hailey said.

"Actually quite far." Lorek replied. "When magic books are not kept enclosed or held they have a mind of their own."

"Well, then we better split up to find the way out." Jade said. "Lorek, how many magi-talkies do you have?"

"Two, in case one breaks." He replied with a smile.

"Nerd..." Dylan mumbled, no one heard.

"Great we can split up into two teams." Jade said.

"I'll go with Jade I want to teach her more spells." Lorek said.

"Ok, Hailey you're with me." Dylan said.

Jade and Lorek walked for a long time trying spells and looking for the exit.

"Ugh, its no use." Jade complained. "I can't get any of these spells right."

"It's okay in time you will. It took me forever to master these." Lorek replied.

"Yea I guess. So tell me about life in Dragoria." Jade said.

"Well, there are dragons everywhere but they are all friendly don't worry. You can ride them whenever and you can trade things to get gems and all kinds of riches from them." Lorek said.

"Wow, what else?" Jade asked.

"Well, Dragoria is a huge city with cobblestone streets, small little shops, and a very cool history." Lorek said. "I think you'll like it a lot. After all it is your home."

"I can't wait to see it." Jade said excitedly.

"Hey Jade look over there!" Lorek said and pointed down a path. He quickly grabbed a golden flower from a bush and stuck it in her hair.

"Where? I don't see any...." Jade stopped and felt the flower in her hair."What did you do that for?" She replied and blushed at the same time.

"How do you know it was me?" Lorek asked innocently.
"You are the only other person here. Right?" She replied.
"I don't know....maybe?" He said with a smile.
"Never mind lets just find this book." Jade said. She walked ahead of Lorek and he smiled behind her. He hoped he hadn't made anything obvious.

A half hour later:

"Ugh, still no exit. Were gonna be stuck in here forever!!" Hailey complained.
"Maybe we should take a break?" Dylan suggested.
"No, we can't if we stop we'll be stuck in here when its dark!" Jade replied.
"I' right back." Lorek whispered and ran off before they could question him.
"Wow he must really have to pee." Hailey said.
Jade gave Hailey a "you got to be kidding me" look. "What? Why else would he have ran like that?"
"Let's follow him and hope he's headed for the exit." Jade replied and walked off in Lorek's direction. Hailey and Dylan followed.

Lorek ran until he was sure he couldn't here Jade, Dylan, or Hailey anymore. He stopped to catch his breath and then pulled out his magi-talkie:
"Darmoore, they've almost found the exit! What do you want me to do?" Lorek said in the magi-talkie.
"STALL THEM!" Darmoore yelled out! "They cannot find that book! By the way, clever thinking on that tripping spell."
"Thank you Sir!" Lorek said happily.
"And remember don't let them find the portal the army isn't ready." Darmoore yelled again.
Suddenly, Lorek heard Jade's voice behind him, "Where have you been?"
"Uh, I uh...had to go to the bathroom?" He replied shyly trying to hide the magi-talkie while turning it off.
"AHA! I told you!" Hailey said joyfully!
"Whatever, lets get outta here." Jade replied.
"Actually, I was wondering if we could take a break I am really tired." Lorek said trying to look as exhausted as possible.
"He's right its starting to get dark too." Dylan chimed in.
"Yeah, I don't wanna get lost." Hailey added.
"I guess...but tomorrow there is no stopping we have to find the book or the exit." Jade replied.

Later when it was dark:

"Hey Jade, do you want to go on a walk and try some light spells?" Lorek asked.
"Sure, but its dark, I wanna stay near here." Jade replied.
"But, the spells are light spells they will create enough light to find our way back." Lorek explained.
"Alright, lets go." Jade replied with a smile.
They walked off together leaving Hailey and Dylan behind fast asleep.
"OK, let me show you a spark spell." Lorek said."Fire and light, break the night, create a spark, shine in the dark."
A small spark floated above Lorek's hand. He repeated the spell two more times and the spark grew with every rhyme.
"Wow thats amazing!" Jade said.
"You try." Lorek replied.
"Fire and light, break the night, create a spark, shine through the dark!" Jade repeated. A spark started to float above her hand also then it shot out in front of them and landed on a bush, creating a small flame. Jade rushed to it and patted it out.
"You must've said something wrong." Lorek laughed.
"Maybe." Jade said frustrated.
"Its okay you can do this. Try again. He suggested.
She repeated the spell and remembered to say "in the dark" instead of "through." It worked perfectly and she jumped up and down excitedly. Lorek pulled her close and hugged her. They continued walking with their arms around each other as Jade kept trying the same spell over and over again. After a while Lorek stopped and turned to Jade. She knew it was crazy but to her it seemed as if he was leaning closer and closer and closer. Until she realized she was not crazy. She wasn't making it up. She felt his lips on hers and did not push away.

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