Chapter 6

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"Ok, I said the statue looks like one in the graveyard." Dylan said.

"I think we should split up." Jade said. "It would be easier to find things. Hailey your grandparents work at the church on Rose Avenue right?"

"Right, I can go and ask my grandad if he knows any statues that look like this symbol." Hailey said as she snapped a picture of the symbol.

"Great, me and Dylan will go and check out the graveyard behind the church." Jade said.

"Okay, we'll meet later tonight, but I don't think you guys are allowed in the graveyard without permission." Hailey said.

"Yeah I know, we'll sneak in and if we get caught say that um....." Jade stopped.

"That we were looking for Jade's great grandmother's gravestone." Dylan jumped in.

"Alright, that's good enough. See you guys then." Hailey replied.

At the church on Rose Avenue:

Knock, knock. "Grandad are you in there?" Hailey said as she knocked on the door of the large church across the street from the graveyard.

"Come in, Hailey." A voice said from inside.

As Hailey walked in she saw that the voice was in fact her grandad.

"Ah, Hailey its nice to see you." Her grandad smiled. "What can I do for you?"

"I was wondering if you saw any statues or tombstones that had something like this on it." Hailey said as she showed him the picture.

"Hmm, quite interesting where did you find this?" Her grandad asked.

"Uh, see..." Hailey stuttered. She was unsure if Jade would be okay if they let her grandad in on the secret.

"Oh, uh is that my phone ringing?" Hailey said trying to stall. "It must be Jade, i'll only be a minute."

"Um, okay." Hailey's grandad said awkwardly.

"Beep, beep, boop, beep." Went Hailey's phone as she dialed Jade's number. She had walked over to another room so she could contact Jade.

"Hey, did you find something?" Jade's voice echoed through the phone.

"No, not yet but I have a question." Hailey replied. "My grandad asked me where I got the picture from, and I was thinking he could really help us if we told him."

"Ugh, Hailey we can't let this out." Jade said.

"Alright, well what do I say then?" Hailey asked.

"Tell him its on something secret I showed you." Jade said.

"I guess that'll work." Hailey said with a sigh.

"Bye." Hailey said.

"Sorry about that my friends are also trying to find out more about this picture." Hailey said as she ran back to her grandad.

"That's fine, now where did you get this?" Hailey's grandad asked.

"Um, Jade had showed me something secret with this on it."

"Oh, do you know where she got it?" He asked.

"No, sorry." Hailey replied.

"Hmm, I may have seen this in a book somewhere lets go look at the library. Her grandad said.

"Okay." Hailey said glad that the questioning was over.

At the graveyard:

"Alright, so lets go look in the front and back graveyards, then the gardens, and then the graveyard shed." Jade said to Dylan.

"Why the graveyard shed?" Dylan asked.

"Well, maybe they store some statues in there or something." Jade replied.

As they walked in to the graveyard Dylan knew there was something he had to do soon, and if he didn't he might miss out.

"Hey Jade, um...would you mind coming here for a second." Dylan said.

"C'mon you can do this, you can do this. You're Dylan Brooke girls fight over you." Dylan thought to himself.

"Did you find something?" Jade asked excitedly.

"Kind of." Dylan said quietly with a smirk.

As they walked in the moonlight Jade suddenly realized how strange Dylan was acting. As if he was nervous to be around her or needed to confess something. Suddenly, Dylan stopped and turned toward Jade.

"Hey, you remember when I gave you a huge box of chocolates in fifth grade?" Dylan asked.

"Yeah, they were so good!" Jade replied happily.

"You know how I told you that I gave them to you AND Hailey as a friend?" Dylan asked.

"Yeah, you told me you gave them to us both because we were your closest friends that were girls." Jade remembered.

"Well, all that may not have been exactly true." Dylan said, hands in his pockets trying to look cool."

"What do you mean?" Jade asked.

"I never gave the chocolates to Hailey, only to you." Dylan said. "And the reason is that I really liked you back in fifth grade. I still like you know. Wanna be my girlfriend?" Dylan said cooly.

"Aww, that's really sweet Dylan. But I like being friends."Jade said.

"I told you that I gave some to Hailey because I was afraid of what everyone would say." Dylan replied. "And, now that were are alone I finally wanted to tell you."

"That makes more sense." Jade said with a smile.

"There was also one more thing I have been wanting to do since fifth grade. But don't get mad."Dylan replied.

"Well, I promise I won't get mad at you for anything you want to say!" Jade said.

As soon as she finished her sentence Dylan leaned toward her and kissed her quickly. He smiled as he pulled away from her and she felt a sense of shock and a rush of anger. She just stood there unable to speak for several minutes.

"Are you okay?" Dylan asked his smile now fading.

"Why did you kiss me?!" Jade asked angrily.

"Like I said I like you." Dylan said, this was not going as planned.

"Okay, but you have no right to just kiss me randomly! I said I wanted to be friends."Jade said her tone getting louder.

"Shh! Someone will hear us!!" Dylan said quickly.

"Don't shush me! I cannot believe you just did that!" Jade stormed off.

"Well, that went well." Dylan said to himself.

"Lets just keep looking for the statue." Jade yelled back.

"Rrringgg rrrrinngggg." Jade's phone went. "Oh, its Hailey!"

"Jade I don't understand! I have never been rejected before." Dylan said.

"Hey Hailey what's up?" Jade said into the phone completely ignoring Dylan.

"Me and my grandad found a book with a picture of the statue." Hailey said.

"Okay, we'll be right there." Jade replied.

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