Chapter 16

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Flying over Dragoria:

"That was intense!" Hailey said. "How the heck were those guards so weak if they looked so strong?"
"I sort if cast a weakening spell on them." Lorek said.
"No way!" Jade said. "You have to teach me that one."
"Where are we going?" Dylan interrupted.
"I was thinking the mountains of Dracor." Lorek said. "There are lots of caves there and we can stay out of Darmoore's sight."
"So why does Darmoore want to invade Earth anyway?" Hailey asked.
"Well, some say that there is creature of darkness hidden there with the power to rule over all. Apparently, it can only be granted to you if you present the creature with the silver letter, the map from the dragosaddle, and the 2 leather books. These objects are really important because it tells anyone how to reach Dragoria. It is said that the creature will grant the powers after the items are destroyed in front of it." Lorek answered.
"Wow, its a win-win for Darmoore then. He can rule over everything and no one can get to his palace to stop him." Jade said. "When I was in the first dungeon an old man told me that I needed to destroy a creature. He recited a riddle and I think I remember it:
"Darmoore's destruction you will avoid,
If this creature you do destroy.
Darkness and death combine to make,
An evil life you must take.
A swirl is centered on its front,
This power you must hunt."

"Well, it doesn't say where it is." Hailey commented.
"No, but I think I know a 'creature' with a swirl on the front." Dylan said looking at Jade.
"Why are you looking at me?" Jade said.
"Wisp is a black horse with a white 'swirl' on his forehead." Dylan said.
Jade gasped. "But wait, the prophecy says to kill the creature we can't kill him! We don't even know if he is the creature he could just look like it."
"Jade." Lorek said. "There is one way to test it. You must bring the creature into the light, if it hates light, well then.....we know its the one."
"Lets get going to earth then. Wait where are all the books and the silver letter! Oh no! We left the silver letter in the palace." Jade said and Lorek pulled it out of his pocket.
"I grabbed it before the alarm went of." Lorek said.
"Yay! Lorek." Hailey said excitedly. "But what about the two leather books and the map." Dylan asked.
"Well, I remember sticking the map inside the red book when we found it. I dropped the green one when the dragon grabbed me in the maze." Jade said. " I wish I could summon them."
Everyone looked at Lorek. There was an awkward silence before he spoke.
"Okay, I lied about the whole 'no summoning magic books' thing." Lorek said. "I was supposed to stall you."
"Lorek!"Jade said "So it does work?"
"Only if you are in the area of the object. So we can go to the maze for the green book. Where did we find the red book again?" Lorek asked.
"It was at the library, then I took it home, then we went in the trapdoor to find the green book, and I set the red one down to get the green one." Jade recalled.
"So its likely in the trap door." Lorek said.
"Well, now we know what to do." Hailey said.
"Look, we are almost at the mountains of Dracor." Lorek said.
"Wow!" Jade said looking down for the first time. "I never realized how beautiful Dragoria is!"
"Yes, its very beautiful." Lorek replied.
The mountains were not far from them and they flew the rest of the way in silence. Jade enjoyed the view and saw an saw a sparkly, blue ocean in the distance by the mountains. Finally, they reached the mountains which were littered with caves.
Lorek said something to the silver dragon he and Jade were riding in a different language. The dragon nodded a flew to a cave. It was getting dark outside so they decided to spend the night in the safety of the cave away from Darmoore's grasp.
"Wow, this cave is huge!" Hailey exclaimed as she slid of the dragon.
"Yeah, nice pick." Jade said rubbing the silver dragon's head. The dragon nuzzled her side.
Lorek said, "By the way the gold dragon is Flare and the silver dragon's name is...."
"Celestial." Jade said.
"Wha? How did you?" Lorek stared at her in bewilderment.
"His name is Celestial." Jade repeated.
"How did you know that?" Lorek asked.
"I don't know I just did." Jade said shocked.
"Well since he seems to like you so much and you knew his name you might as well keep him as your dragon." Lorek said.
"Really? That's so cool! Thanks Lorek!" Jade replied.
"Great! Well I am going to take Flare and go get supplies and food down by that ocean, I'll be back."

Meanwhile, Dylan was walking through the other rooms in the giant cave with a flashlight he stole from Lorek.
"She will never like me with that Lorek guy around." He said to himself. " She doesn't even pay attention to me anymore. I have to get rid of Lorek or make her turn against him."
Dylan heard a low growl from somewhere in the cave. He stopped abruptly and stared into the darkness shining his light around frantically. Suddenly, the ground started to shake, little stones fell from the cave's ceiling around Dylan. The stones got bigger and bigger. It was like hail but inside a cave. He was about run back to the others and warn them when he heard a hissing sound from behind him. He turned around to see lava pouring from the ceiling about ten feet away into a shallow pool of water. The water was not stopping the lava and it was flowing out of the pool and towards Dylan fast. He turned and sprinted back the way he came, but lava was too fast. It came sloshing up the cave path faster than Dylan could run. He felt something singe his ankles. He couldn't run any faster. He turned a corner that he thought recognized and it gave him a burst of speed. He wasn't fast enough. His legs were getting tired and sore from the lava that spritzed at his feet. He tripped over a rock and went flying. He crashed into a wall that was a dead end. His ankle was broken and so was his arm. He looked down to see blood seeping from the wound. His ankles and shoes were charred and reeked of burnt flesh. His arm felt like a knife was jabbed in and being forcefully twisted. Unable to push himself up and run any further he watched helplessly as the lava surged forward. It flowed around him and up on the wall so fast he didn't even have time to scream in agony.

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