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"Celestial, how much longer do we have to look for supplies?" Hailey asked. Her and Celestial were flying over the Earthen Forest. Hailey had tried to wake Jade up but went searching for Celestial when she failed. Hailey had fallen asleep on Celestial's back when they were returning to Jade and he left her sleeping on the sand. Now they were out searching for supplies. "How was Jade doing?" Hailey asked. "Did Lorek wake up yet?"
"Maybe, well are you going to answer?" Hailey asked once more.
"They are fine, I dropped Jade off at Lorek's hut. I'm sure he woke up eventually." Celestial said flying left to dodge a tree.
"Ooooooooh, Jade and Lorek are together aloooooone." Hailey swooned. "That's sooo romantic!"
"You sound like a five year old." Celestial said, obviously annoyed. "But yes I think it is rather nice."
"Hey, what's wrong buddy?" Hailey rubbed Celestial's scaley shoulder.
"Don't call me buddy...and don't rub me you have to scratch under the scales." Celestial replied.
"Are you jealous of Lorek?"
"No, I have seen what happened though when a dragon's rider finds love. The rider doesn't seem to care about the dragon anymore."
"But its not like that with Jade, she loves you Celestial, your the best dragon she could ever ask for."
"Thanks, Hailey but I'm not so sure."
The two flew off in search of more materials.

Jade spent the rest of the night with Lorek, talking. He explained his weird visions to her while he was out. Neither of them understood the visions. They were hoping that later they would become clearer. The stool Jade was sitting on was uncomfortable so her and Lorek sat against a wall talking about the dragons until he turned to her and started asking questions.
"So Jade, tell me...what is your favorite color?" He said this with a completely straight face making Jade giggle.
"Wow, such a deep question...." She mocked, then added "blue."
"Figures." he said, running his eyes over her. She followed his eyes and when they return to her face he smiled, his eyes are locked on her lips though, not her eyes.
"I know it's something."
"It's nothing."
"Tell me."
"I think you already know..." He replied. Then he leaned closer and wispered, "but in case you don't...I wanna kiss you again."
Without waiting for an answer he pressed his lips to hers and pulled her closer. He wrapped his arms around her waist and held her like he never wanted to let go.
"Will you stay until the morning?" He wispered minutes later. "My head still hurts." He faked.
"I guess." Jade replied mockingly. Then she kissed him back and he kissed her back harder filled with the same passion as before.
He broke the kiss with a chuckle. "You know Jade...its pretty obvious we are together..." He kissed Jade again. "But, will you be my girlfriend?"
She smiled and kissed him again.
"I'll take that as a yes." He said before smothering her in another shower of kisses.

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