Pull Of The Tide

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Jungkook insists that you're surrounded by unseen dangers, but the only threat you see is him. How can you trust a man who refuses to give you answers?


Oh, Y/N. This is my ... brother. Jungkook.

Time freezes as Eunha's brother meets my eyes. There's no mistaking those breathtaking dark brown eyes. It's the handsome stranger from the cafe. And he doesn't look pleased to see me.

Hello, Y/N. 


Your Point Of View

I am trapped in Jungkook's gaze, afraid to move.

Eunha cocks her head and steps towards me.

What's wrong, Y/N? 

I blink and tear myself away from those intense, dark brown eyes. I turn to Eunha and force a smile.


Eunha's brother - Jungkook - sticks out his hand.

Nice to meet you. 

I stare down at his hand, my mind spinning.

You're - you're Eunha's brother? 

His hand hangs in the air between us.


I swear there's a warning look in his eyes.

I hope you don't mind, Y/N. He insisted we needed his eye for fashion. 

Eunha laughs, but there's a shrillness to it that attests to her nervousness.

Hesitantly, i accept Jungkook's hand, flinhing as a spark of electricity jumps between our palms. The awkwardness dissipates, but my hand burns as i set off through the mall. But as i meander through the shops, it doesn't get any less weird. Jungkook remains a silent shadow behind us, watching as we browse the racks.

Does he always hover so much? 

I whisper to Eunha as i eye a flashy, black blazer.

Her eyes flick to her brother and back.

Sometimes. What do you think about this? 

I recognize the change of topic for what it is and tries to focus on the clothes. I appreciate her trying to defuse the awkwardness, but answers would be more appreciated ...

My feet are dragging me as i head towards the next shop. 

Jungkook's gaze on the back of my heads is as intense as ever.

I'm hungry. 

I nearly jump out of my shoes in fright. Two hours of stony silence and now he wants food? 

I could eat. I can always eat. 

What say you, Y/N? Ice-cream? 

It's the first time he's said my name out loud. The sound of it makes my heart flutter.

I never turn down sweets. 

I give Jungkook a small smile and for once, he smiles back. It transforms his whole face and i feel my trepidation vanish.

Heartless 💔 - A Jeon Jungkook FF 📖 ( COMPLETED ✔ )Where stories live. Discover now