The Dark Side Of The Moon

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Surrounded by new friends and old lovers, one face remains a mystery. Will you finally discover the indentity of your mystery stalker?


You need to leave Minneapolis. You're in danger.  


Your Point Of View

I beg your pardon? 

I blink at the man, my heart pounding a mile a minute. Suddenly, he's gotten a lot less sexy and a whole lot scary.

I crame my neck to look for Taehyung but the man steps to the side, blocking my view.

You need to leave. 

Excuse me? I think you need to leave. I don't know who you think you are, but -  

Listen to me! 

He leans forward, placing his other hand on the back of my chair. I can't help but notice the muscles of his arm straining againt the fabric of his jacket.

I'm trying to warn you. 

I find mysself unable to move, pinned to my seat in fear. 

Are ... are you threating me ? 

No. I already told you. 

His voice is rich with exasperation. But there's still something menacing about his stare ...

I'm delivering a warning . If you know what's good for you, you'll leave the city immediately. 

If that isn't a threat, i don't know what is ... 

Listen, i don't know who you think you are, or who you think i am, but you need to leave. 

The man makes a low sound deep in his throat.

Did he just growl at me? 

He leans forward once again. Distantly, i register how amazing he smells, but that's sort of secondary to the possibility he might murder me right here, in this cafe.

Can i help you? 

Taehyung's back, cappuccino in hand. He smiles warily at the stranger, darting between us.

Everything all right? 

I meet Taehyung's eyes and jerk a small nod. Some of the tension melts from his shoulders, but he's still wary. He turns to the stranger. I can't help but notice that he has set his coffee on the table, as if he's preparing for a fight.

Taehyung's not one to start a fight, but who knows what this guy's capable of?

Taehyung, don't - 

But then the stranger steps back. His entire demeanor changes. He doesn't meet Taehyung's eyes. Just slumps his shoulders and talks.

Sorry. I thought she was somebody else. 

Then he flees the cafe.


Taehyung pesters me the whole way home with questions, but  don't know how to answer them. I just cling to his hand and try to calm the pounding of my heart.

Heartless 💔 - A Jeon Jungkook FF 📖 ( COMPLETED ✔ )Where stories live. Discover now