twenty-eight ; moon river.

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Alicia, arm linked through Kurt's, led him through the parking lot to his Navigator. As Finn and Rachel's relationship grew serious, she accepted rides to and from school with Kurt. Which, she had to admit, involved less pressure. No forbidden feelings to bury inside.

"I really like Holly," said Alicia. "Much more than April Rhodes."

"After vomiting on Miss Pillsbury's shoes and practically blacking out?" Kurt huffed. "Trust me, as do I."

She pressed her lips together, stifling a laugh. That should not have been hilarious to her. Between Miss Pillsbury's presumable OCD and her own loathing of alcohol, it should disgust her, but goodness. Only at McKinley. "The only thing is, I mean, aren't you worried about Mr. Schuester?"

Kurt shrugged. "Of course. But this is only a temporary arrangement, and it's much better than Rachel taking over."

Surprisingly, Alicia thought Rachel would have been a fantastic substitute for Mr. Schuester. She was devoted enough to the club. She would make a good director, aside from her desire to sing every conceivable solo. It was unfair to the other members. 

As they climbed into his Navigator, Alicia cleared her throat. "Well, Finn and I are planning on stopping by Mr. Schuester's tomorrow. You could come, if you'd like."

"As inviting as the thought of being coughed and potentially hurled on and catching some hideous flu sounds, I must resist." Kurt shut the car door behind himself, busying himself with dropping his book bag into the back seat. His face was turned away from her. Almost pointedly.

She frowned. "How come?"

"Oh, Blaine and I have plans."

Kurt's tone was as indifferent as it could be, and yet, Alicia let out a high-pitched squeal. He flinched. She hardly noticed. "Oh my God, Kurt! Like, dating plans? Kissing plans? If you come to school with hickeys, oh my God, Santana is never going to let you live it down--"

"No!" Kurt's cheeks darkened. "It isn't like that. Please, as if any of us need another Jesse St. James traitor situation?" Alicia blanched. "Pass. No, it's just . . . it's nice to have someone to talk to, that's all."

"Someone like you?"

He nodded.

Alicia smiled. Kurt and Blaine were growing closer each day, and as much as she was worried that it may lead to drifting from Kurt, she was happy for him. He'd needed someone like Blaine in his life for too long. "Well, then, don't allow me to rain on your parade. But my curiosity is only natural."

"And why is that?"

"He's very dreamy. Don't deny it."

Kurt tensed, letting out an airy laugh. "Really? Haven't noticed."

"Mhm. Okay." Alicia buckled her seat belt as Kurt backed out of his parking space. He wasn't wearing his seat belt, but then again, he never did. 

"All right. Listen." Kurt's voice lost its edge, taking on his compromising tone. She recognized it from his conversations with Finn or Rachel. "You clearly need proof that I'm not engaging in scandalous rendezvous with Blaine--"

"Actually, I believe you."

"And I can tell Mercedes is jealous of my friendship with him and projecting it into a romance with tater tots. So how about this? Blaine and I will meet you two at Breadstix. Tomorrow night. You can have Finn drop you off after your visit with Mr. Schue."

Alicia hesitated. She had never been particularly close with Mercedes, preferring to admire her from afar. She'd only met Blaine twice before, both fleeting and nothing compared to how much time Kurt had spent with him. But she did need to branch out. McKinley was lonely.

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