six ; somebody to love.

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Alicia had the tendency of eavesdropping.

Casually and accidentally.

Today, she was waiting outside of Miss Pillsbury's office, leaning against the solid wall that connected to the see-through walls and door. In her defense, she was here for a reason. Nervous, Finn had asked her to come along when Miss Pillsbury called him into her office. And maybe curiosity killed the aspiring writer.

Miss Pillsbury knew.

She knew about Finn's baby dilemma.

It was obvious. Someone had told her, and it didn't take Alicia hours of dwelling to guess who it was. She'd noticed how close Mr. Schuester and Miss Pillsbury were during last week's football game. The hug they exchanged when the Titans scored was too friendly. Alicia had brushed it off as adrenaline from the game, but now she wasn't sure.

Maybe they were closer than she'd suspected.

She was so distracted by her musings, she didn't notice Finn Hudson standing in front of her until he gently shook her shoulders. She snapped her head up, eyes wide, but she wasn't the only one who was distracted. "I need your help with something."

Alicia blinked. She had lost track of Finn's conversation with Miss Pillsbury. "With what?"

"I have to get Rachel to come back to glee club. And I think I'm gonna need your help."

Her wide eyes were comedic now. "My help? Why?"

As they fell into step, she noticed he was heading towards the choir room. It was a fair distance from Miss Pillsbury's office, but she didn't mind the walk. Too much. Well, okay, she kind of did. Why could no one have perfectly decent conversations in the halls? Why did it always have to be an office or choir room?

She continued to pester Finn, but he didn't break. He only grew more amused, which distressed her. 

Once they finally reached the choir room, door securely shut, he spoke. "We need to get Rachel to quit the play."


"You don't understand--"

"Okay, please hold up with your manly speech," she said, holding up one hand. He fell silent, a flush coloring his cheeks. "I do understand. I understand know much Cabaret means to her. I want Rachel back in glee club as much as anyone. Quinn has a lovely voice, but . . . well, things are surely stressful enough for her."

"She's not Rachel."

Alicia felt oddly stung. On Quinn's behalf, she assumed. "No one is. Everyone in this club has some kind of talent, but we need Rachel's voice for Sectionals and especially for Regionals. I agree with that. But we can't force or guilt her to come back if she doesn't want to."

"I think she just--"

She didn't mean to keep interrupting him. It just happened. "When someone leaves, that means they don't want to be around the people they left anymore. You can't blame them or try to change their mind, Finn." Her voice was firmer than she'd used before.

Finn frowned. "Alicia, she didn't . . . she didn't leave us. She left the club."

Alicia faltered, coming down from her mild annoyance. It wasn't like her to get irritated with people. If she ever did, she kept it carefully suppressed to avoid hurting their feelings. But this had hit close to home. She shook her head. "No, no. I--I know you're right. Rachel isn't like that. But I . . . I don't want you to get hurt." 


"Or anyone to get hurt," she added. "Including Rachel."

Finn nodded. "Yeah. I know. Me, neither. But glee makes her happy, Alicia. We can't let her give up on it."

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