forty-seven ; something's coming.

859 59 134

They'd been bullying this girl for fifteen minutes already, trying to coerce her into giving up her lunch money.

Alicia mostly hovered in the back, picking at her nails. She felt bad for the girl, really, but it was useless to go against the Skanks. Unless you were planning on getting kicked out. Which wasn't a risk she was willing to take as long as Quinn remained part of their little group. Still, even as Quinn pocketed a handful of cash from the girl, Alicia felt her heart sink. She didn't like their new hobbies all of the time. The smoking helped occasionally, and the outfits were kind of fun, but this aspect got under Alicia's skin. 

She was relieved, in a way, when Coach Sylvester barged in and ordered everyone but Quinn to leave. Alicia felt Sue's watchful stare on her as she passed, but she pointedly avoided eye contact. She didn't need more people to judge her.

The rest of the Skanks abandoned Alicia as soon as they were in the halls. She knew they tolerated her because of Quinn. Everyone wanted to be around Quinn. Other than Quinn herself.

Alicia exhaled as soon as they were gone, trying to dismiss the sudden wave of loneliness that threatened to overcome her. Distantly, down the hall, she heard laughter that sounded similar to Kurt's, and it struck like a slap.

She missed them sometimes. The New Directions.

Apparently that reluctant realization was a summoning spell, because a broad shoulder knocked into hers, moving into a rush. Alicia's new yellow lighter and half-empty pack of cigarettes went clattering to the floor. She glanced over her shoulder, affronted until she recognized a familiar letterman's jacket. She was already struggling to plan her escape when Finn turned around.

A beat passed. "Sorry, I didn't see you there."

"I assumed," Alicia said. But despite the jibe, her lips twitched.

This was eerily reminiscent of their first encounter. She was unsure if it was the universe's way of attempting to force her into acknowledging her past. If so, it was kind of effective. She hated it, but not as much as she should.

Finn hesitated. Despite how much he'd been hurrying before, he appeared willing to take his time now. Slowly, he approached her. When she didn't protest, he hunched over, gathering up her forgotten lighter and pack of cigarettes. He rose and she held out her hand expectantly, but to little surprise, Finn didn't drop her belongings into it.

"Are you sure you want these back?"

Alicia narrowed her eyes. "They're mine."

"That doesn't really answer my question." 

While Alicia was normally a patient person, that was apparently one of her positive characteristics that had disappeared during summer vacation. With a huff, she reached up, attempting to snatch the items out of his hand but Finn was too quick. He jerked back, and when she shot forward, he held them carefully out of her reach.

Alicia let out a noise that was embarrassingly close to a growl. "Give them back."

"Do you want them?" Finn asked again. 

She didn't say anything, standing higher on the tip-toes of her combat boots, but it was doubtlessly useless. Finn had over a foot on her, and now he was actually putting effort into it. This was hopeless, but Alicia wasn't a quitter. She plopped back down to her regular height before slowly gripping onto one side of Finn's jacket, tugging him closer.

Finn startled, crimson heat pouring into his cheeks as he stumbled closer. "That-- that isn't gonna work on me, y'know. I have a backup plans. I have, like, an entire mailman on my side."

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