author's note.

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hi, everyone!

i hope you're doing well and staying safe. as you might've noticed, i have been struggling with massive writer's block regarding this story (and in general, frankly). it's been difficult to find the motivation to update. i know what i want to write and what exactly comes to next, but putting it into word evades me. i wouldn't say this story is on hiatus, per se, but i am shifting focus.

however, it's also worth mentioning that i have a new glee fanfiction published, titled rhapsody! this story is, more or less, an alternate universe where alicia and jesse are the main canon pairing. there are a few other changes, such as the addition of an older hastings sibling and fresh relationship dynamics. 

i hope some of you might be interested in checking it out! the first chapter is published as of tonight. 

as for love like fools, i promise i will update again! soon! eventually! i'm working on it. promise.

love as always xx

love like fools ➙ gleeTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon