fifty-five ; wedding bell blues.

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It seemed like everyone was obsessed with relationships this week. 

Not that Alicia was really helping the situation, not after she'd interrogated Kurt about the Sam Evans scenario with Finn through a particularly melodramatic rendition of Summer Nights from Grease. On the other hand, Quinn and Rachel interrogated Sam through the same song, and they seemed to gain better results. Kurt was remaining tight-lipped about the situation. Not that Alicia blamed him.

Quickly following that, Alicia overheard rumors that apparently Miss Pillsbury "accidentally" proposed to Mr. Schuester during the staff's lunch break today. Alicia didn't know if it was possible to accidentally propose, but she was willing to give Emma the benefit of the doubt. 

Now Alicia was curled up at the Lima Bean, eyes narrowed as she poured over her songbook. She was working on a song that was even more personal than usual.

This one was about her father.

She hadn't progressed too much. Likely because she kept getting distracted. There were always a few familiar faces at the coffee shop, but she'd noticed one particularly infamous face about twenty minutes ago.

He was sitting with two other Warblers, dressed in immaculate uniforms. It still appalled Alicia that she'd ever seen Sebastian out of uniform. It felt like a fever dream. 

It probably didn't help that they hadn't spoken since Christmas. Alicia probably would've thought it was a fever dream if there hadn't been so many witnesses to Sebastian's presence at her house.

The other two unknown Warblers clasped their hands on Sebastian's shoulder. Alicia recognized it as a parting gesture as the two boys snatched their medium warm beverages and walked out of the cafe. She'd only barely risen from her seat when Sebastian glanced over, finally meeting her stare.

He didn't move. Not even as Alicia walked across the cafe, hovering awkwardly before his table. "Long time, no see."

"Not long enough," Sebastian said, lips twitching. Alicia didn't react, and eventually, he heaved a sigh, shutting his hardcover poetry book with a dramatic flourish. "Listen, Goldie Locks. Just because I had Christmas dinner with you doesn't mean we're chummy now, capisce? We are still natural enemies, and I'm sure that won't change after we beat your little rag-tag group of misfit toys during Regionals."

She narrowed her eyes. "What makes you think you'll win?"

"I have my ways." There was some implication in Sebastian's tone that Alicia didn't understand. Not that he gave her time to consider it. "Besides, I don't care enough to deal with your mother's inexplicable vendetta against my mother."

"What?" For once, Alicia was genuinely surprised. "What are you talking about?"

Sebastian arched a brow. Despite the lingering sarcasm in his expression, he appeared taken aback that Alicia didn't immediately understand. "Your mother's vendetta. I felt the need to ask my parents if they knew of any Arabella Hastings after the frankly alarming holiday interrogation at Christmas. Apparently your mother has a history with mine."

Alicia blinked. "What kind of history?"

Sebastian exhaled sharply. Impatience was practically dripping off him. "As if I'm supposed to know? I asked for basic facts, not the gory back story. While I understand your glee club is overwhelmingly obsessed with feuds and botched relationships, it isn't really my thing. All I know is the fact that your mother hates mine. Finding out more isn't going to help me win, is it?"

"Is that all you care about? Winning?"

"No, I also care about the love of my life." Sebastian sighed forlornly, not bothering to look towards Alicia's confused expression. "We only spent fifteen minutes on the dance floor together, but it was memorable. The poets were right."

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