fourteen ; hello, i love you.

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Everything was going well for everyone but Alicia.

Pretending was a skill she had perfected long ago. She listened with a bright smile as Kurt chatted excitedly about the upcoming trends in winter fashions. Alicia had never been the biggest Vogue fan, but she admired his enthusiasm. Besides, he needed someone to listen to him. He seemed lonelier lately.

As Rachel and Mercedes passed, Kurt linked his arm through Alicia's, pulling her over to the others. "This is amazing," Mercedes was saying. "Ever since glee club won Sectionals, everybody looks at us differently." 

Jacob Ben Israel appeared out of nowhere. "I want to be with you, Rachel!"

"We're glitterati. I feel like Lady Gaga," Kurt said. Alicia pressed her forehead against his shoulder as she stifled a laugh. To her, nothing had changed, but according to these three, they were all practically celebrities now.

"I feel like Britney Spears," Alicia said, playing along. "I want to attack paparazzi, too. But with hugs and free food and stuff."

"Get used to it, guys, we're stars now, on par with all the jocks and popular kids; oh, it's the dawn of a new era here at McKinley, and we are going to rule this school!" Rachel exclaimed.

As Rachel finished speaking, four boys approached them, led by the very familiar David Karofsky. Each carried a blue slushie. Each slushie was thrown at Alicia, Kurt, Rachel, and Mercedes, dousing them in sticky blue liquid that chilled them to the bones. Alicia shivered, using the sleeve of her dark purple sweater to wipe her eyes. At least she'd forgotten her leather jacket today.

"Ooh, welcome to Losertown!" Karofsky yelled.

"Population, you!" Azimio added. The four guys laughed and gave each other high-fives as they brushed past.

Alicia swallowed, cringing when she tasted blue raspberry slushie. Not her favorite. "Actually, may I attack them?"

Kurt gripped her arm. Apparently he was still shaken from her two attacks on Noah Puckerman. "Let's get you cleaned up before someone restrains you with a strait jacket. You're getting a bad reputation lately, Hastings."

"Oh, come on, you're acting like I'm Harley Quinn. If anything, I'm Supergirl with anger issues." Alicia was met with three blank stares. She flushed, ducking her head. "Yeah, okay. Let's go clean up."

. . . 

Things were hectic. Supporting Finn at all of his basketball games (where she sat on Will's left side, with Rachel cheering enthusiastically for Finn on his right; Alicia's jealousy got the better of her once and she'd pelted Rachel with Skittles for a solid two minutes before Will stopped her) was wearing on her. Especially since she couldn't risk telling Arabella anything. 

Then there was the Kurt Hummel of it all. Something was wrong. More so than usual. He was back to making morbid jokes during glee (such as everyone's favorite, "No, she's dead, this is her son") and he seemed isolated. Even during glee club, he sat apart from the others, three empty chairs surrounding him until Alicia took the one closest to him, behind Tina. 

If it wasn't for how gratified he looked, she would've assumed the isolation was intentional. It wasn't. Not that he'd admit it.

There was also controlling her emotions over Finn and Rachel, who were apparently dating now. She had gotten closer to Rachel since Sectionals (which made playing off that Skittles incident as a joke easier), but she was . . . okay, she was jealous. Alicia had never felt jealous before, and it was overwhelming.

Late at night, when she was alone with her thoughts, she wished she didn't know Kurt had feelings for Finn. It would be a relief to have someone to talk to. Recently, it felt like there was no one. 

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