Chapter 14

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Roger knew Brian would catch him staring at him if he turned his head. He couldn't bring himself to care, however.

Brian looked peaceful. He was reading a book, seeming to be completely lost in a world of his own. He was biting his lip and frowning slightly. The rays of the afternoon sun fell through the window, dancing on his skin and illuminating his eyes. Roger had never seen anything so beautiful in his entire life. Brian chuckled at something and Roger couldn't help but smile.

Putting his book down, Brian turned towards Roger, who had to tear his gaze away from his lips. Roger was tempted to kiss him on the instant, and he had to remind himself that he couldn't do it. It would ruin their friendship. Brian would hate him. Unless...

No–he didn't want to give himself false hopes. He'd only be let down if he let himself think Brian had any romantic feelings for him.

"Are you okay?" Brian asked with worry in his eyes.

"Uh... yeah," Roger stuttered. He tried to stop his cheeks from heating up with sheer strength of will, needless to say not succeeding. He hated the fact that Brian could make him feel that way.

"It's been ages since we've had a proper conversation with each other," Brian said, frowning slightly. "We used to spend so much time together. What happened to us?"

Roger shrugged. "I don't know. But I'd like to spend more time with you," he said, staring wide-eyed at Brian.

Brian smiled at him and said: "I'd like that too. So, what's going on in your life?"

"Nothing special," Roger replied, trying to come off as nonchalant. "What about you?"

Brian pondered for a moment. "I broke up with Catherine."

"Really? Are you okay?"

"Yeah," Brian said and to Roger's surprise, his smile didn't falter. "I'm glad I got rid of her. She was a liar and a cheat. She wasn't the one for me." Brian sighed. "I just hope I'll find that person one day."

"I know you will," Roger said, wondering whether that would be an appropriate moment to hug Brian.

"It's good to know you have faith in me." Brian smiled softly and continued: "I know you'll find someone like that too."

'I just wish it could be you,' Roger thought. He decided that it was, indeed, a perfect moment to hug Brian. At this point, Roger was desperate enough to use any excuse possible to touch him.

Roger pressed his face into Brian's chest and wrapped his arms around his waist. He sighed contently, his eyes slipping closed. Brian gave a laugh and started caressing Roger's hair.

Despite dreading the day when Brian would find someone else to fall in love with, the day that would inevitably come, Roger delighted in the moment. 

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