Chapter 2

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Roger was sitting on the floor in a deserted hall, praying that none of the guests of the party would find him there. He'd been able to avoid everyone for nearly two hours now, only having had to greet a few people when he arrived.

If it were an ordinary night, he would have been out there laughing and drinking with his friends, flirting with girls. But right now, he wasn't in the mood. He was tired. But it wasn't just that; there was also something else bothering him. What exactly that something was, he didn't know.

So, instead of socializing, Roger opted for isolating himself and drinking alone.

He heard the door opening and saw John standing in the doorway. He stepped into the hall, closing the door behind him.

John sat down next to him. "Hi," said Roger.

John didn't greet him, instead saying: "Freddie is looking for you."

Roger sighed wearily. "What does he need me for?"

"He wants you to join the party. He said everyone is expecting that from you and you're supposed to fulfill their wishes," John replied.

Roger scoffed. "I owe nothing to neither them nor Freddie. Besides, I have a good reason not to join the party."

"And what exactly is that reason?" John asked, raising his eyebrows.

"Um... It's-" Roger cut himself off and frowned. What was the reason? "-none of your business," he finished his sentence after a moment of silence.

John shook his head and gave a laugh. "I can't believe you're voluntarily sitting here alone when you could be flirting with all those girls!" John glanced at the drink in Roger's hand. "At least you don't seem to be missing out on the alcohol," he said with an expression that was half-frown and half-smile.

Roger glared at him. "If this is going to turn into one of your speeches about how I should drink less, save it. In fact, I'm not even drunk. Just leave me alone."

"I'm not going to leave you alone," said John, rolling his eyes. "I don't feel like partying either. And don't worry, I'm not going to lecture you about drinking."

"Thank God," said Roger with sarcasm dripping from his voice. He closed his eyes, feeling exhausted.

"But -," John started speaking again. Roger's eyes snapped open and he turned his head to face John, ready to protest whatever it was he was trying to say. "-I'm worried about you, Roger. You're acting weird. Please tell me what's wrong."

"Well, don't be worried," Roger spoke sharply. "Nothing is wrong." John smiled sadly and they both fell silent.

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