There's no way!

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Narrator's P.O.V

"Ughh when is this class gonna end I'm getting bored," Iris whispers to Jessica who is sitting beside her in the biology class. "Tell me about it why can't all the teachers be like Mr.Brian he's cool," Jess whispers back. "If by cool peaches you mean let's us do anything we like in PE and gives us no quizzes because it's PE, oh and that he's a total heart-throb then yeah he's cool." Troy is sitting behind the girls and besides Tyler whispers to Jess.

"Oh shut it your just jealous girls pay attention to him rather then you," Jess whispers with a grin. "Honestly Jessica I'm hurt that you think of me like that, Tyler you tell her the truth I can't speak to her.' He whispers dramatically. With a sigh, Tyler starts to whisper "He's right you know Mr.Brian isn't THAT cool." Jess and Iris give him a look before Iris whispers "Oh I forgot you're a boy so you don't understand cool to us girls." this makes Jess giggle "Honestly SiSi ouch." Tyler whispers with a smirk.

"Alright class you're dismissed." The teacher announces "Finally!" Iris gives a sigh of relief and the group starts walking to the exit of the school. "Hey, you coming?" Tyler asks Jess and she smiles, "No you guys go I'll stay a little bit and read in the library before heading back home." she tells her friends and they wave goodbye.

Jessica walks up the school stairs and finally reaches the library. She heads on to the fiction aisle and picks out a book she thought hasn't read before. When she looked at the cover she realized this was Kiera's favorite book. Don't even think about it by Sarah Mlynowski. She grabbed the book and hugged it close to her chest letting a single tear roll down her cheeks.

"I really miss you, Kiera," she whispers and smiles. She heads over to a quiet place and sits down to read. After a few minutes of reading, she could understand why it was one of Kiera's favorites it was amazing. "You're gonna pay for everything you brat." A voice mumbles and the next thing she knew Jessica was knocked out.

~Time skip~

Jessica's P.O.V

"Where am I?" I ask my voice croaky and my head aching. "You little missy are stuck with me." A deep voice says as he walks into the light. "What no way. Who are you? Why am I here? Let me go!" I scream at the boy in front of me. " Yes, way. You can call me Raven. Because." He answers well kinda. "You kidnapped me!" I shout at him "Yes I did." he says calmly. Ugh, this guy is getting on my nerves I need to get out of here. But how?

Nanny's P.O.V

Where can she be it's been two hours and she's not answering her phone. The teachers said last they saw her was at the end of school, Oh no something must have happened I need to call the police.

~Time skip~

Troy's P.O.V

We're all at Jess's house while the police look around its been 4 hours since we last saw her she must've been kidnapped but who would do such a thing. "Miss we will do everything in our power to find your granddaughter we promise." The officer says and walks out of the house. I look at Jess's grandma to see her crying in Iris's arms.

"My baby, she's the only family I have left. She's the reminder of her parents and sister I can't lose her too." she cries. That's it I can't stand it anymore. I stood up and walked in front of Jess's grandma. I bend down so I can be the same level as her and Iris who are sitting on the sofa. "Mrs.Allen I"ll look for Jess too. Even if the officers didn't find her I will I promise I"ll bring her back home." I say giving a forced smile.

"Oh thank you, Troy, thank you." She looks at me with teary eyes. "And so will we. She is our best friend you know." Tyler states with a half-smile and sad eyes. I'm coming Peaches.

A/N: Hey guys sorry for the short chapter I hope you guys liked it read on to see what happens next byeee.

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