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A/N: Alright so here's another chapter for ya'll hope you enjoy and the picture above is their outfits for the day, enjoy.

Tyler's P.O.V
After a long flight, we finally reached NYC and went back home exhausted from the trip 'This is literally amazing, tomorrow is a holiday so we can relax, who knows maybe go bowling' I thought to myself "Alright time for some me time." I said to no one in particular and head straight towards my computer.

"You're going down Tyler." Sam who is my cousin who lives in the UK announced what he thinks is a threat "HA the day you beat me Sammy is the day pigs fly." I logged into my account 'let the games begin'

SiSi's P.O.V
"Mom...Dad...I'm homeee." I called out to my parents "Iris!" My mom wraps me in a tight hug "I missed you my flower, how was your trip?" She asked me, leading me to the couch " It was good if you minus the part where Noah decides to cheat on me by kissing a random chick." I said, "Oh Hunny I'm so sorry." My mom plays with my hair. "Princess!" My dad comes in and looks as happy as ever "Daddy!" I got up and hugged him.

"So how was it?" "Great," I said, "Yeah except the part where Noah cheated on her with a random girl." My mom added causing me to send a glare at her.

"HE DID WHAT!" My dad yelled furious "I'LL MURDER HIM!" "Daddy calms down he got what he deserved." I said, "what do you mean princess?" They both asked in sync. "After I found out he cheated I obviously told TYTY and JJ.

JJ broke his nose and threatened him the next day." I explained, "HA that's our Jess." My dad laughed causing me to smile too. "You know I always thought you and Tyler would make a cute couple." My mom said out of nowhere "W..What." I was pretty sure I was red "Yeah I trust him he won't break your heart." My dad added "Okay enough with the talk I'll be in my room love ya guys." I ran straight to my room not giving them the advantage of saying another word.

JJ's P.O.V

"Hey, nana  I'm m back," I called out to my grandmother once I reached the comfort of my house. Throwing my bag aside I flopped on the couch "JESSY!!!." Nana shouts with excitement as she walks to give me a bone-crushing hug "Nana...I can't breathe." I gasp for air "Sorry Hunny, how was it?" she asks me "Amazing I'll tell you the details later I'm really tired." I say "Sure thing you go rest sweetheart." she gives me a kiss on the cheek and I make m way to my room to take a nice relaxing nap.

~~~~~~ Her dream~~~~~~~~
I was back in the beautiful garden I dreamt about last time there was a small house a small distance away from where I was standing. The house was small but beautiful.

I walk forwards trying to reach the house and to my surprise I did, I opened the door to walk into a hallway I heard voices I knew too well to mistake. "You think she's okay?" A voice as sweet as honey asks "I'm sure she's fine she's my daughter after all." A male voice answers "I agree with your father it's Jess we're talking about she's the strongest girl we know." Another sweet voice speaks next.

I walked into the kitchen where they were in "Kiera?" I started as I poked my head from behind a girl with soft brown hair. She turns to me with a smile "Hey butterscotch." She calls me with the nickname she came up for me making tears roll down my cheeks.

"Mommy, daddy?" I ask the two adults across the table already knowing the answer. "Hey, baby." My mom walks up to me "How are you doing princess?"

I turn to him with eyes full of tears "I'm holding up." I said "How are you guys doing? I miss all three of you so much." I start crying hard as if my life depended on it.

"We miss you too butterscotch, but you know we never left. We're here." Kiera says as she touches my heart. And I realized 'she can touch me.' I didn't even think twice I just hugged her tight. Afraid to let go. She hugs me back. Slowly my parents join the hug, my mom, caressing my hair, while Kiera and dad hugged me close.

"Don't you ever think we can't see what you're up to or what's happening to you." Kiera says with a goofy smile "What do you mean?" I wiped my tears and acted innocently. "Troooy huh." She started and I could feel the heat radiating from my cheeks.

"It's not like that." I tried "Suuure." she coos "Yeah I'm keeping an eye on him if he does something stupid he'll pay." My dad says making me laugh "This feels like you guys are actually with me like you never left like we're still a happy family like that accident never happened." I started tears rolling down my cheeks again.

"We might not be there for you on earth but we're always here when you really need us, when you really want to talk we'll come to your dreams butterscotch I promise." Kiera whips my tears away "I love you never leave my dreams, always be here for me please." I look up to all three of them smiling at me "We won't Jessy, we promise." They all said. A bright light shined blinding my vision making me wake up.

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