Sadness,Sorrow and Pain

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A few weeks pass and the time of the trip arrives.

Current time 6:00 am NYC
Location-Jessica Allen's house

Jess's P.O.V
"Alright, do I have everything?" I said out loud checking my things again I'm taking a small suitcase full of clothes and necessities. Then I have my backpack which contains my; phone, headphones, laptop, chargers, chocolate, gum, and wallet.
"Yup, all set. Now I'll change quickly and go downstairs before heading to pick SiSi up." And with that, I bolted to change (their outfits are the picture above)

~A few minutes later~

"Hey, Nana I'm leaving to get SiSi I love you take care okay." I tell my grandma as I go to hug her "I will you too Hunny and have fun." She says with a smile and hands me some treats "Share them with those two okay." She said smiling "I will." And with that, I'm out of the house and now calling SiSi...

JJ-Yo I'm coming to your house I'll be there in about 10 minutes.

SiSi-I'm ready everything's in my dad's car so come quick

JJ-Remind me why are we picking up TYTY cause number 1-he needs to be the gentleman and pick us up, and number 2-We're just wasting petrol why can't we meet him at school?

SiSi-I don't know let's just go with the plan of us getting him now bolt

JJ-You guys will be the death of me one day

SiSi-we love ya too BB.TTYL


~Time skip at the airport ~

"ALRIGHT LET'S GO, BOARD, THE PLANE WOOOOO." I say really loudly for once I'm excited with my best friends behind me we march to our seats in the plane and chill until Queen bee showed up "Losers." She told us "Hey Audrey maybe if you spent less time mocking people who don't give a shit about your crap you would actually have an A in your report other then the only subject your good in  'how to hide your ugliness with Audrey' and a book won't kill you maybe you'll actually learn something if you read, in fact, I'm starting to think you don't know how." I said with a sly smirk and she stopped dead in her tracks the whole class laughed and the plane took off.

~Time skip~

Location: Airport LA, USA

Narrator's P.O.V

The plane landed on a beautiful LA evening just as the sun was saying farewell, the trouble trio just got off the train and were with their other classmates as they left the airport to get to their sweet hotel. Our pranksters are now on the bus while Tyler and Iris are engaged in a conversation Jess, however, is listening to songs on her phone, memories, and flashbacks come and go as she listens to her favorite songs when after what seemed like an hour the bus came to a halt and as soon as she realized she rested her headphones on her neck and placed her phone inside her pocket before taking hold of her bag and suitcase and getting off the bus with her best friends."This hotel is spectacular, we're totally getting one big room for all three of us." Iris exclaims her tone full of excitement," Totally let's just get a room and our keys and go to that room STAT, all I wanna do is take back and chill, and help you go get ready since your gonna surprise Noah." Jess declares to her best friends "And I'm just the third wheel aren't I?"Tyler asked the two "Aww TYTY you were always the third wheel." Jess told Tyler with a laugh and he faked being hurt by placing his hand on his chest "That stung JJ that stung so bad." he said, "Aw TYTY you know she was kidding come on let's get our hotel room shall we." Iris said and the three went to the counter to get their hotel rooms.

~Time skip to when Iris comes back from the suprise~

Iris comes back in the room tears in her eyes 'SiSi what's wrong? what happened?" Jess asked her friend with concern "He cheated, He was kissing a random chick, it's over I don't ever want to see his face ever again."She said while running to Jess for a hug at the same moment Tyler stood up"I'm going to murder him." he said, "No TYTY, we can't kill the guy but I will beat him up bad for hurting SiSI if we ever see him just not know, SiSi needs us we need to be here rather than beating up that jerk at least for now." Jess says and Tyler sits beside Jess who is still hugging Iris to comfort her, and the evening goes on.....

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