♫Hot Music Reviews♫

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Hi everyone! We at Dirty Gold Magazine are proud to announce this month's 'Hot Music Reviews', where we give you our simple reviews on 4 songs plus our 'Song of the Month' recommandation.

(5) Latch by Disclosure feat. Sam Smith

Disclosure's electrifying rhythm, accompanied by Sam Smith's chilling vocals has made "Latch" become one of the most favorable songs of 2014.

(4) Fancy by Iggy Azalea feat. Charlie XCX 

The Australia born rapper has teamed up with English song-writer, Charlie XCX for this hot summer hit that has found a good mixture between Hip-hop and Pop music.

(3) All About That Bass by Meghan Trainor

Megan Trainor's new single has an addictive beat, sassy lyrics, and a inspiring way of lifting your self-confindence, which makes it pretty diverse among music today.

(2) Problem by Ariana Grande feat. Iggy Azalea

Filled with so much upbeat tempo and infectious 90's energy, "Problem" has refreshingly set itself apart from your usual Pop tracks.

And our number 1 song of August is..."Rude" by Magic!

"Rude" composed by the band Magic is a very fun song yet it hides a themed meaning into it. Rated as one of the best, Magic has gained even more fans and supporters. Many people have "Rude" listed in their favorites column, and if it's not one of yours, read this.

Magic is a reggae fusion band that formed in 2012. All members in the team are from the Toronto area. Magic is usually popular in Toronto, Ontario, and Canada; which are the origins of the band. Magic is more of a poppish, rocky kind of music, and so "Rude" has become everything mixed together. There are a lot of love in the song, but it isn't laggy or sappy, which is why this song is brilliant.

Some pop songs are super loud, and because of that, you end up damaging your cochlea. In this case, it's different. Although the song is kind of a pop song, "Rude" is not loud nor annoying.

Give this song a chance and we will sure to prove you right.

Thanks for reading our Hot Music Reviews, be sure comment below what songs we should talk about next!


Dirty Gold Magazine Issue #1 August 2014Where stories live. Discover now