Rising Star Interview: friday1064

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Hi everyone, I am arikam28. One of your Dirty Gold Magazine interviewers and today our Rising Star guest is friday1064.

Hi friday1064, I want to thank you again for letting me interview you. By the way, how are you?

I'm great! I'm very happy to be interviewed!

Q.) Great, now let's get started! How did you find Wattpad?

A.) A year ago, one of my friends wouldn't stop telling me about this 'Wattpad'. She begged me to check it out. I did, and I think it was one of the best choices I've made because the stories on here got me laughing and crying.

Q.) Where did you find the inspiration for "Perks of being an Nerd"?

A.) I was reading some really cliche stories and I thought to myself, "Can I make something that screams CLICHE but make it different? I don't want a nerd who gets picked on. I want a nerd who is powerful. I don't want a bad boy/popular to rule the school. I want a bad boy at the bottom of the high-school chain." And so the journey began. I had a friend help me with the plot at the start and from then on I got a hang of it. The Perks of Being a Nerd is my second story after I deleted a really bad one called Iridescent.

Q.) Did you ever think that your story would become so popular and gain over 16,000 read?

A.) No, never! There were actually parts in which I did think it would probably get more views but most of the time I just re-read chapters and felt the need to delete the whole story. Deep inside I knew I couldn't do the same thing over again. I still need to edit a lot of portions of the story. When I keep getting notifications on recent votes, it makes me very happy. I can't even explain it. It's a feeling that says "They like my writing!"

That's good to hear! :)

Q.)  Are there any authors that you look up to? (On Wattpad or not on Wattpad)

A.) Yes. I look up to Denise Vega, the author of Click Here. I started reading her books when I was 11-12. Being a huge fan, we keep in touch. Click Here welcomed me into a world of middle school life. I used to be scared of going into middle school.

My inspiration too is my friend DeebaTaskin, who has been supportive of everything I have written. Her poems inspire me so much and I can relate to her deep words.

Q.) Try to describe your story in one word.

A.) Ironic.

Q.) Are any of the characters from your story based on people from real life?

A.) Not really. People I know in real life who read this story ask me if I'm like the main character, Claire. NO! I'm not like her. I am just a nerd who likes to do what nerds do best. I am not a leader, nor am I rude to people. Now the bad boy? Nope. None of the characters are based on real life. XD

Q.) Has Wattpad change your writing style at all?

A.) A great deal! I used to write really little and had no experience of dialogue. Now, I have expanded my vocabulary and my style. I'm still working on it though! Wattpad is the place where I practiced my writing. It made my teachers consider me as a good writer with the essays they handed me. It's all about practicing and practicing!

Q.) (Final Question) Any advice for new writers?

A.) You might have already heard this countless of times before. The key is to never give up on whatever your writing. Even if it's the most crappiest thing you've ever written in your life, just end it. Once you end it, re-write it and learn from your mistakes. Life is unwritten and you can't delete any chapters from it. But a story you create can be changed in so many ways. Make the most of it. That eraser on your pencil? Use it to make corrections. Always learn from those corrections.

Very inspiring! Thank you for your time, it was a pleasure interviewing you.

No problem! Thank YOU and to all my readers who keep supporting me. I really appreciate it! I love my readers XD Stay awesome and amazing lovelies!

Well there you have it. Be sure to check out friday1064's Story "Perks of being an Nerd" and see you guys next time!

Dirty Gold Magazine Issue #1 August 2014Where stories live. Discover now