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Hello everyone, Taylor here. I will be answering anonymous questions and giving out the BEST advice. If you have any questions or concerns, you can always pm me. Anyways, let's get started!


Should you tell your crush you like him? I don't know if he really flirts with me because his flirting seems like a joke to him but it makes me awkward and he rarely talks to me.

-Confusing crush

Let's be honest, sharing your feelings with someone can be very intimidating, especially when you don't know the other person's true intention. With that being said, from my experience, guys are very simple which most likely means he interested but doesn't know how to go about it. My advice... test the waters by flirting back.Also, communication is a key. Starting more conversations should give you a chance to be more comfortable.



I told my crush I like him but he doesn't like me back, so how do I like not be awkward around him?

-Awkward Friend-zone

Sharing your feelings with someone and them not returning their's back can be hard. But it all comes down to how important the friendship is. Have a one on one conversation with him to see if your own the same page. Another route you could go is to start spending less time with thisperson and start invested your time somewhere else (or with someone else). Hope this helps.



I am starting a new school this year and I'm kinda sad and nervous about it so I could really use some advice.

-The New Kid

Congrats, you should take the opportunity you have and look at it as a new chapter in your life, instead of an ending. The first advice I can give you is to be Confident and Secure with yourself. Your first impression is everything and people are going to be able to tell if your being real with them or not. Also try the best you can at learning where all your classes are. By doing this, you will be less likely to embarrass yourself by walking in on the wrong class. (But this doesn't mean you shouldn't ask for help if needed.) Lastly, try getting involve in your school as much as you can. Joining a club or going to your school's home game will definitely increase your chances of making new friends.



I have writer's block and I haven't put out a chapter in over two months, please help.

-Uninspired Writer

Relax, writer's block can happen to even the best writer but the only reason that they're the best is because they don't give up. One way that you could try to get rid of it, is to write in a different location. If your mind get's use to doing a routine every time you write, it can make it hard for those creative juices to start flowing. Also, don't be so critical when your writing, remember you can be your own worst enemy. Finally, if all else fails,this means it's time to kill off a main character. Nothing can give you more inspiration then a unsuspecting plot twist.



So that's it for this month, be sure to send your questions by just a private message or going to my page. (Located on Dirty Gold Magazine's profile.)

Dirty Gold Magazine Issue #1 August 2014Where stories live. Discover now