Chapter 7: You Watch The Kiss-Ass At His Best

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And I bring to you...CHAPTER NÚMERO SEVEN! xD

Thanks for reading c:

P.S. if anyone notices editing mishaps, please comment and let me know! :DD Thanks bitches!


Chapter 7: You Watch The Kiss-Ass At His Best

If you've ever been irked at your parents for them being completely oblivious should know how I feel right now.

Totally pissed.

Jesse had taken me home today after I woke up.

The only reason why he took me home, though, was due to my endless griping.

As soon as my eyes fluttered open, I was bitching about getting back home to my bed, and away from the weirdo (Jesse); which he wasn't too happy about.

He had rolled his eyes at the remarks I had sent his way.

Did he get bothered once?

Yes, actually. But only once.

And that was when I told him he had a needle-dick.

Back to the main focus; my absolutely unaware birth-givers.

Once Jesse drove me home, he decided to be a chivalrous fiancé, and, not only open up my car door, but also, walked me to the front door.

You know what usually happens after a guy does that (unless you're related...then just, ew)?

The pair lean in for either

A.) a quick peck on the lips

B.) a quick peck on the cheek

C.) an extremely passionate Frenchie.

All three options made me want to hurl up a tomato substance.

If you don't know how that feels, it feels like you're upchucking pure acid.

Yeah. Ouch.

Once we stepped onto my front porch, he turned toward me with a small smile.

I gave him a dull look.

When he finally realized I wasn't going to give into his charms so easily, he turned to leave...

That is, before my hair-brained mother decided to invite him inside.


That's where we are now.

And I'm getting sick to the stomach just watching him suck up to my parents.


"So how did dinner go?" Mom asked cheerily.

The scowl on my face was pretty much permanent for the time being (does that even make sense?), but of course, being the "gracious" boy he is, Jesse answered my mothers question.

"Dinner was lovely with your daughter, Mrs. Ashton," he squeezed my knee and I punched him in the arm.

He hissed out quietly, finally bringing The Smirk Of Victory to my own features.

Suck on that, douche-twat!

"Renee didn't give you too much trouble about eating did she? She's kind of a picky eater. Plus, she's a vegetarian, so. I'm sorry for that," Dad chuckled.

Jesse wore a smile upon his face, and I could not decipher if it was fake or real (it was that realistic), and replied to my father, heartily.

"Oh, I don't really mind much, Mr. Ashton. I respect Renee's beliefs, boundaries, eating habits. All of it," he turned his head toward me, flashing a knee-weakening grin, that was far from fake.

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