Chapter Three: You Have to Become Home-schooled and Break Up With Your Boyfriend

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Anddddd now for....CHAPTER TRES!

(That means 3 if you didn't know xD)

Hope you enjoy ^-^

By the way, I changed the name to something shorter cx it is now

"The Arrangement".

P.S. if anyone notices editing mishaps, please comment and let me know! :DD Thanks bitches!


Chapter Three: You Have to Become Home-schooled and Break Up With Your Boyfriend

"What!?" I exclaimed. "I can't believe this," my body slumped against the dining table. "Why did you do this? What the hell gave you the fucking brilliant idea to make this damn agreement?" I snapped, my eyes watering slightly.

I wouldn't let anymore tears come. I was no longer sad. I was angry. I was furious. And I would be bitter from now and years to come, I promise that much.

"Sweetie," Mom sighed, "it's more complicated than you know."

"Than let me know!"

Why was everyone keeping so many secrets from me? I had a right to know. Especially since I was being married off to some eighteen year old stranger.

"I want to know. No, I need to know. And I deserve to."

"Your mother's right, Renee. It is complicated, and right now, you just can't know. Everything will be revealed later in t-"

"Yeah? Once I'm married to that fuck-face?"

"Watch your mouth," Mom glared. "He's not a f-face, Renee. He's a sweet boy. You don't even know h-"

"EXACTLY! I don't know him! And you're making me break up with Greg? Greg is a great guy."

"Yeah, but do you even see a future with Greg? Moving in together? Marriage? Kids!?"

No. I didn't. I knew that Greg wasn't the one for me. I'd known that for awhile. Which is why I didn't understand why I had been dating him in the first place.

Greg was a great guy.

But he wasn't marriage material, nor fatherly, either.

He hated kids, whereas, I, loved children. Event the snot-nosed brats grew on me. Greg would never be the right one.

Though, that doesn't mean I can't use him as an excuse now.


"Possibly?" my father frowned. "This is a yes or no question, Renee. I know you've had your girly moments thinking about whether or not Greg is the right choice, and if you could see walking up the altar and marrying the little twit!"

"He is not a twit! You don't even know him!"

"And that's a horrible thing. Your family should know who you're fraternizing with," Dad replied, snippy.

"Yes, or fornicating, as well," Mom just had to add.

My jaw dropped. I was a virgin! How could she excuse me of something like that?

"Okay, 1.) I'm perfectly pure still. I've never done anything sexual with him. 2.) You have talked to Greg before. He's come over for dinner at least six times in the past two months. 3.) Who I speak with is none of your business, and 4.) Even if I was shagging him, my sex life would not be ANY of your business. Whatsoever."

Mom narrowed her eyes. "It is our business. It is all of our business. Do you want to be on one of those shows on MTV? Sixteen and Pregnant? Huh?"

Slapping my hands to my face, I fell into the mahogany table.

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