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The blonde-haired girl snapped out of her daydream and looked up towards the voice that had just called her name.

"Hey, Kim. What's up?"

Kim was Trixie's best and only friend. The two had known each other since grade school and had been through everything together: breakups, fights, sleepovers, almost anything you could imagine.

"Did you forget? The first yearbook meeting is happening right now! We're gonna be late."

Trixie grabbed her things from the ground, she had been daydreaming out in the courtyard underneath the old oak tree. It was her favorite spot; no one bothered her there and it was a great place to just sit and think. Trixie did that a lot, sat alone and thought. She wasn't the most popular girl around, though her name was well-known as she'd somehow dated a few of the football players (which ended quickly after they realized she wouldn't let them in her pants on the first or second date).

The duo stumbled into the yearbook room just as the meeting commenced. They mumbled quick apologies before taking their seats in the middle of the room. Yearbook was kind-of Trixie and Kim's thing, they'd been a part of the committee since freshman year and were excited to finally have slots in the "executive branch" given exclusively to juniors and seniors. They looked around at a few familiar faces; Violet, Naomi and Max had been there since freshman year much like Trixie and Kim. There seemed to be a few new faces, a couple of freshman and what looked to be a senior. As Trixie glanced around the room, her eyes were drawn to this new senior girl. She was sitting directly across from Trixie, and upon further inspection, Trixie realized who it was.

Katya Zamolodchikova, the town rebel. Well-known for smoking cigarettes in the bathroom and throwing some pretty outrageous parties. Everyone knew who she was, and everyone was a little intimidated by her. Why was she in yearbook?

The meeting was fairly boring until about halfway through when the yearbook counselor Mr. Matthews decided to mix it up.

"Now, to familiarize is all with these new faces, I'll pair you all up. One new member for every returning member."

'Ugh,' Trixie thought. 'I hope I don't get paired up with her.' She quickly looked in Katya's direction.

"-Kim, you can be with Pearl, and Trixie can be with...Katya."

The two glanced at each other from across the room. Katya looked intimidating with her short, blunt bob and dark eyeliner. 'She might be friendly, who knows,' Trixie hoped.

Trixie got up and fought her way through the scrambling people and finally made her way over to her partner. Katya broke the silence.

"Hey. I'm Katya," she smiled lightly at Trixie.

"I'm Trixie," Trixie said shyly. Katya was cuter than she had expected.

"Cool. So, what exactly are we supposed to be talking about? Making friends or some shit?" Katya joked. She chuckled quietly to herself as she watched Trixie look up at her through her eyelashes.

"I guess? I-I'm not sure, he's never made us do this before." Trixie blushed. 'Why am I so nervous?'

"You're cute when you blush." Katya said bluntly. "Aren't you in my math class? Are you getting anything she's teaching us? I swear she doesn't speak English."

Trixie wiped a couple of blonde curls out of her face before she spoke, "It's a lot easier when you actually pay attention."

"Uh-oh, we've got a jokester over here." Katya chuckled again. "Would you mind tutoring me? I really need to pass that class if I want to graduate at the end of this year."

hopelessly falling. // trixya auWhere stories live. Discover now