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Katya fished through her pocket for her cigarettes. She lit one and brought it to her lips, taking a long, slow drag. Suddenly, she heard her phone across the room. It was buzzing.


This was Trixie's fifth time trying to call now, and she was getting really worried. Just as she was about to hang up and try again, the ringing stopped and she could hear a raspy voice on the other end of the line.


Trixie's heart dropped to her stomach. 'Has she been crying?'

"Hey," Trixie said hesitantly. "I was just calling to check up on you."

Katya smiled faintly. "I'm fine. I'm sorry for not answering earlier, my parents wanted me to clean the mess from last night."

Trixie sighed to herself, thankful that Katya was okay. "Could be worse, right? It's not like they're telling you you can never see me again."

"Yeah. That's true." Katya could feel the tears welling back up in her eyes. "Hey, so, can I call you later or something? I- uh, have homework to do."

Saddened by her words, Trixie said her goodbyes and hung up the phone. 'I wonder what's up with her?'


The next day was Sunday, which meant school started again soon. Trixie was sat on one of the barstools at her countertop, working on her homework for chemistry. Well, she was, until a loud buzz interrupted her. She looked over and was surprised to see who it was. She hesitantly answered the phone.


"Hey, cutie."

Trixie giggled, "How do you know I look cute? You can't even see me!"

"Can I see you?"

Trixie blushed on her end of the line. It was hard for her to mask her excitement. "Of course! What did you have in mind?"

"D'you wanna grab some dinner later?"

"Is this a date?"

"Do you want it to be a date?"

Trixie could feel her heartrate spike. She wanted to go on a date with Katya, and here was her chance, lying right under her nose. 'Why am I so nervous?'

"Maybe a little," Trixie hesitated.

"Then it's a date. I'll pick you up at 7."


Trixie was excited for her date with Katya later that evening. She spent the whole afternoon going through and picking outfits and accessories. She took a shower and made sure to use her extra good-smelling shampoo, and afterwards did her makeup. She was spritzing on perfume when her phone started buzzing. Knowing it was Katya, she picked it up.


"Hey, Trix. You better look cute tonight, I don't want to be disappointed."

"You'll have to wait and see," Trixie teased. It was hard for her to contain her excitement.

Katya giggled lightly on the other end. "I'm almost there. See you soon, rose petal." Trixie's heart could've melted on the floor.

Trixie rushed downstairs and just as she looked out the window, a sleek, black car drove up. She ran outside and sat in the passenger seat, barely keeping her composure.

She looked over at Katya, giggling. "Hi."

Katya smiled at Trixie. "I was gonna get out and come to the door, you know."

"Yeah, I know, I just couldn't wait," Trixie was beaming. "Where're you taking me?"

Katya put the car in reverse. "It's a surprise, doll."


The duo pulled up to one of the fanciest restaurants in town. Katya found them a parking space and the two headed in.

When they got inside, Trixie's jaw hit the floor. The inside of the place was beautiful. It had high ceilings, grand chandeliers, and beautiful red velvet booths.

"This place is gorgeous," Trixie breathed.

"Not as gorgeous as you," Katya said as she looked over at Trixie.

Trixie blushed and you could see it even in the dim light of the restaurant. Suddenly, a waitress came up to guide them to a seat.


The date was going amazing. Katya and Trixie were clicking more than they ever had in the library back at school. They were both finishing up their meals as Katya looked up and broke the silence between them.

"D'you wanna, you know.. get out of here?" she asked hesitantly, not wanting to push Trixie out of her comfort zone. Trixie turned bright red before she even had a chance to register what Katya asked. "Uh, yeah, back to my place? Sounds great to me."


I'm sorry for not updating yall but thank u SO MUCH for 100 reads???? i thought this fic was gonna get like -6 so djjdjdjhd thank u

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