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"What happened? Did Brad pull something again?" Kim leaned across the console to give Trixie a hug. Trixie just turned and sobbed into Kim's shoulder as she shook her head no.

"I'm an idiot, Kim," Trixie choked out in between sobs. "Can you just take me home?"


Trixie spent the entire ride home wondering if she should text Katya once she got home. She wondered why Katya had even given her her number in the first place. She figured she'd never want to speak to her after walking out on her like that.

Finally, Kim pulled up in Trixie's driveway. "Are you sure you don't want to talk about it?" Kim asked gently as Trixie reached for the door handle.

"No, I'll call you later and maybe I'll be able to talk then. I'm sorry for ruining your night," Trixie paused to turn and look back at Kim.

"You didn't ruin anything, Trix. I hope you feel better. Call me soon, okay?"

Trixie nodded as she turned back around to get out of the car. She burst through her front door and bolted up to her room, thanking god silently that her mom was on a business trip that weekend. Trixie fell into her bed, kicking off her shoes and tossing them aimlessly across the room. She reached into her pocket and pulled out her phone.


Katya sat alone in her room. At this point the party was over, and everyone had gone home who was able-bodied enough to. The rest of the drunk, high idiots were passed out on the couch or in the basement. As Katya stared out her window, she wondered why Trixie was so quick to back away from the kiss. 'She's probably straight and I just freaked her out,' Katya reasoned. 'Or maybe she's never kissed anyone at all. No, that can't be it- if she was dating Brad she definitely got pressured into a lot more than kissing.'

Just then, Katya's phone started buzzing. Figuring it was her parents calling to check up, she answered without looking at the caller ID.


She spoke wheezily as she took as drag from her third cigarette if the night. What she heard next caught her by surprise.

"Hi. This is Katya, right?"

'She actually called me?' Katya thought to herself, shocked.

"I- yeah, it's me. Trixie? I figured you weren't gonna call," Katya said excitedly. "Are you okay? You sound like you're crying."

Trixie still was crying. She didn't even know why anymore. It was just happening and she didn't know how to stop it.

"I'm okay I just-" Trixie cut herself off, wondering if she should ask what she wants to ask. It was a moment before she spoke again.

"Could you come over?"

All of the air was sucked from Katya's lungs. Her heart rate picked up and her breathing quickened. She didn't know if it was from all the nicotine or her nerves.

"Uh, yeah, I can come over, why? Is everything okay?"

"Yeah, everything's okay, I just feel like I fucked up and I want to make it right."

Katya was stunned. 'Why can't she just tell me over the phone?' she wondered to herself.

"Okay, well, text me your address and I'll be over as quickly as I can," Katya said, smiling.


Trixie hung up the phone with Katya and sent her her address. She lived about ten minutes away, which could easily be cut down to about 8 minutes since there was no traffic out in the dead of night. While waiting for Katya, Trixie decided to put on some of her favorite music to help calm her down.

hopelessly falling. // trixya auWhere stories live. Discover now