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Trixie was the first to wake up. She slowly opened her eyes and lazily looked up at Katya. 'She's so cute when she's sleeping,' Trixie thought to herself. Smiling, she laid her head back down on Katya's chest.

Then, a violent buzzing broke the blissful silence that filled the room. Katya stirred awake and realized the buzzing was coming from her pocket.

She looked at the caller ID and immediately picked up. Trixie could hear what sounded like a very angry woman screaming on the other line.

"Yeah, okay, I- I know, I'm sorry, can you- okay, okay, I'm on my way."

Katya hung up and looked sadly at Trixie.

"That was my mom. I gotta go," she said, sitting up and looking around for her shoes.

Trixie frowned. "Okay," she said, obviously sad to see Katya go. "Text me when you get home?"

Katya turned to meet Trixie's gaze. "Of course," she said, beaming. "Thank you for letting me stay the night."

Trixie smiled. "You're welcome, I just didn't want to have to worry about you," Trixie giggled.

Trixie walked Katya to the door and watched her leave through the window. She could still feel the adrenaline running through her veins from last night.

She called Kim right away.


"What, Trix? It's 8:30 in the morning," Kim said groggily. You could tell she just woke up. 

"Me and Katya KISSED!"

You could hear shuffling on the other end of the line.

"NO YOU DID NOT! Tell me everything about it!"

So Trixie did, sitting stomach down on her couch, her feet flopping around behind her as she kicked them back and forth.

"She's supposed to text me when she gets home," Trixie said giddily.

"Trix?" Kim asked hesitantly. "We've been on the phone for almost an hour, how far away does she live?"

Trixie's heart could've fell into her gut. 'She only lives ten minutes away,' Trixie thought to herself, the pit of anxiety in her stomach blossoming.

"Can I let you go to call her?" Trixie asks hesitantly. She was almost afraid to know what could've happened to Katya.

"Of course, Trix, call me if you need anything. Don't get mad if I don't answer, though, I need my beauty sleep," Kim joked.

"Thanks, Kim. Talk to you later," Trixie trailed off and hit the 'end call' button. She took a big, deep breath before scrolling through her contacts looking for Katya's name.


Katya got home and was surprised to find her parents home from their business trip extremely early. As she walked into the kitchen, they both gave her a stern look.

"Hey, guys," Katya's eyes widened and she swallowed hard. "What'cha doin' home so early?"

Her father opened his mouth to speak, and her mother gave him a look. A look that said 'let me handle this.'

"Our trip was canceled due to inclement weather," her mom took a few steps forward toward Katya. "Where were you?"

Katya's cheeks flushed. "Oh, uh, just my friend Trixie's house," she started. "She's helping me with math homework."

Katya's mom rolled her eyes. "Do you think we're stupid, Yekaterina? You think we didn't see the mess you've made of this house? And don't even get me started on the strangers downstairs," her mom scolded.

"I-I'm sorry mom, I-"

Katya's dad cut her off.

"You never think before you do. What would you have done if someone would've broken something while you were gone? Or if they stole something? I become more and more disappointed in you every day, Yekaterina. I wasted my time trying to right a perpetual wrong."

Katya's eyes burned. She hated her dad. She stifled back tears as she continued to listen.

"I can't believe how completely worthless you are. I can't trust you with anything. Get out of my sight, I can't stand to look at you any more."

Katya stood there for a moment trying hard to hold back tears before she finally turned to run up the stairs.

She checked her phone to see if Trixie had texted her. Nothing. She threw her phone across the room and slammed the door shut. Slowly, she let herself sink down the door until she was sitting on the floor of her room, broken.

hopelessly falling. // trixya auWhere stories live. Discover now