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Trixie's eyes fluttered open. She took a moment to look around her room before sitting up, recalling the events from the night prior. 'Where's Katya?' she wondered.

She stumbled aimlessly around her house looking for the red-lipped girl, but she was nowhere to be found. Trixie finally settled on calling her

A groggy voice picked up on the other line.

"Hello? Trixie? Is everything okay?"

It touched Trixie's heart that Katya was always worried about her. It meant she really cared for her.

"Hey. You know it's 9 o'clock in the morning, right? We're both late for school."

Trixie heard some shuffling on the phone before Katya spoke again.

"Shit, you're right," she paused before she spoke. "Wanna skip with me?"

"Skip?!" Trixie nearly yelled. "I've never skipped class before..." she trailed off, thinking about what it would be like to skip with Katya.

"C'mon, doll, it'll be fun."

Trixie's heart beat fast in her chest She'd never done anything like this.

"O-Okay, are you sure we won't get in trouble?"

Katya chuckled on the other end of the line. "I wouldn't ever let anything happen that would get you in trouble. I'll be over in 45."

They said their goodbyes and hung up the phone. Trixie sat upright in her bed and started thinking. 'What are Katya and I now? Are we... a thing?'

Trixie had never dated a girl before. She was very open and didn't mind the idea of it, especially since it was Katya, but it still made her... nervous.

She lay her head back down, thinking. She let her eyes slowly flutter closed and the next thing she knows, she's wrapped up in foreign arms.

She follows them up to the head of a very familiar girl; Katya. "You were sleeping so soundly, I didn't want to wake you up."

Trixie smiled up at Katya. "It's okay, how long have you been here?"

"Only about 15 minutes. Don't worry, i wasn't bored or anything, I've been playing with your hair the whole time."

Trixie snuggled back up against Katya's body. She was thin, but still warm and cuddly. It was a moment before either of them spoke.

"So, what do you want to do today?" Trixie looked up at Katya, waiting for a response.

"Whatever you want to do, doll."

Trixie thought about it for a minute until she came up with an idea. "Movie marathon?"

Katya smiled down at Trixie, stroking her cheek. "Sure, angel. What're we watching?"

Trixie happily turned on Heathers, one of her favorite movies, and the 2 sat there all day, watching movies and falling asleep intermittently until they found themselves asleep for good.

They both awoke to an abrupt alarm sound. Katya placed her hand on her forehead, she felt a headache coming on.

"Time for school already?" she asked, sounding like a whiny 5 year old.

"Sadly yes, c'mon and get up, I can give you something to wear."

So the 2 got up, got dressed, and headed to school.

hopelessly falling. // trixya auWhere stories live. Discover now