Chapter 15

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~~Most of this chapter is a flash back about her mother and a little bit after. There are some graphic content in this about rogue attacks. Please enjoy! xoxo Erin~~

*Sam POV* {Flashback}

Laughter filled the air as my mother and I danced in the woods. Her laugh bounced against the trees and became louder. She looked happy. I was happy. She spun my around as I twirled wearing clothes that would be better for my brother to wear once he was older but she didn't mind I didn't like dresses.

"Mommy! Mommy let me spin you!" I laughed as I attempted to spin her under my little arms.

I went in for a hug to bury my head into my mothers neck as I felt her tense. I knew something was wrong. She gripped me tighter and started to whisper me directions I needed to follow.

"Sammy honey I need you to stay behind mommy okay?" she said I a sweet but stern voice. I nodded and watched her shift into her black dark brown wolf. It wasn't as dark as my coat though. She never shifted unless their was something wrong or she went running with my father which was rare. What was happening? At that moment I heard a low deathly snarl come from a very large light brown wolf.

He lunged at my mother but in a swift movement she clamped down on his neck. Tears rolling down my face as I watched from behind a boulder. More and more rogues appeared and I knew this wasn't a good sign. I wanted to scream but nothing came out. I was shaking violently and my bottom lip was quivering.

A blood curdling scream left my mothers mouth as 7 wolfs jumped into her sinking their teeth into her body neck and back. She laid on the ground motionless. My mother who I loved more than anyone in the world was dead. She died protecting me. The forest was filled with snarls as my father and his trained fighters ripped the rogues to shreds.

"Mommy?" I cried as I wrapped my arms around her shredded, dead body.

Screaming and crying into the blood filled coat of my mother. I felt weak as if I was a fragile glass someone dropped onto a hard wood floor smashing it to a million pieces.

Blood. I was covered in my mothers blood. I felt a pair of hands wrap around me as my father pulled me away to look at his dead mate. I saw tears slip his eyes looking at her body. That was the last time I saw my father have any emotion besides anger.

{end of flashback}

Shaking I felt a pair of familiar arms wrap around me as noticed I collapsed on the floor during my flashback. I saw pain and concern in my mates eyes. I reached out to cup his cheek as tears slid out my eyes silently. He rubbed my tears away with his hand while embracing me. He rubbed his nose against my claim helping me calm down.

"you don't have to meet them you know?" he said calmly but I shook my head at his comment.

"I want to meet them. I was just so happy to see you happy I thought about how happy my mother was and it brought back rough memories." saying with a forced smile thinking about my mother.

He pulled me closer to him. God I could stay in his arms forever.

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