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That girl

It's a cute song and it's catchy and easy to sing along - from her vibe I get really nice girly songs but that's for now type vibe. She's an artist where's she's not predictable at all she's that girl. I love the song.


It's a cute song, I love the part when she gets all fast "He's gonna slob on my knob.." it's catchy and I get why she titled it bob. Bob's relates back to working men - I haven't been cat called by manual workers but I have seen a lot of videos of women being verbally harassed by males because they feel entitled to talk to them the way they see fit. So I feel like she's consciously talking about that but there's many bob's in your life you know, men/women who feel entitled to tell you who you are. Well that's what I get from it anyways.

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